版本发布时间: 2023-03-12 17:52:27
openai-translator/openai-translator最新发布版本:v0.4.31(2024-07-23 00:28:59)
fix: use browser polyfill
feat: add context menu option; add manifest icons. (#128)
fix: remove inlineImage
fix(ci): cannot upload universion artifacts
feat & bugfix: pin, drag and drop with OCR (#220)
fix: missing dependencies (#103)
feat: change LICENSE
chore(ci): disable automatic publish release
fix: tooltip position on desktop (resolves #193) (#197)
feat: add filtering function to the language switch drop-down list (#207) (#208)
optimize: Optimize the UI and UX of OCR (#215)
fix: Fixed the issue of getting selected text freezing on macOS. (#210)
fix: when window minimized, shortcut key invalid (#209)
feat: upload image to translation with OCR (#192)
fix: macos universal build (#198)
fix: fix missing linux dependences (#203)
1、 latest.json 101B
2、 open-ai-translator_0.0.18_amd64.AppImage 73.13MB
3、 open-ai-translator_0.0.18_amd64.deb 7.87MB
4、 openai-translator-chrome-extension-0.0.18.zip 5.73MB
5、 OpenAI.Translator_0.0.18_universal.dmg 12.83MB
6、 OpenAI.Translator_0.0.18_x64_en-US.msi 7.35MB
7、 OpenAI.Translator_universal.app.tar.gz 11.98MB