


版本发布时间: 2023-03-04 15:29:21

Alex313031/Thorium-Win最新发布版本:M123.0.6312.133(2024-04-24 11:55:27)

M110 is shaping up to be a great release!

IMPORTANT for Windows Users

– Two new flags from ungoogled chromium, to enable truly portable usage were added. They unencrypt your user data dir, and remove tying it to a specific machine. Meaning you can drag the .zip around with you from machine to machine, and you wont lose passwords, extensions, etc. You will need to back up your current config, or start with a fresh one. I.E. you can go from Unencrypted > Encrypted, but not Encrypted (the default) > Unencrypted. I should have introduced these a long time ago. Sorry if this annoys users of the portable .zips. Note that enabling these flags is inherently less secure. They are: chrome://flags/#disable-encryption and chrome://flags/#disable-machine-id

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 211.16MB

2、 thorium_mini_installer.exe 129.98MB
