


版本发布时间: 2024-05-03 23:17:58

makeplane/plane最新发布版本:v0.19-dev(2024-05-03 23:17:58)

More bug fixes, attention to detail, and quality of life improvements. Thanks to our community, users, and customers for helping make Plane better every day. This one is for you. Introducing v0.19-dev.

🎉 New Features

Introducing Custom Context Menus #4267

Right-click on any actionable item, such as Issues, Cycles, Modules, or Views to open a context menu for quick actions.

Context menu

These are just a few features; more upgrades coming soon.

Filters from Cycle and Modules #4286

Interacting with issue assignees or labels will now directly add filters to Cycles or Modules. Don't want them? Simply re-click the selected filters to remove them. Filter Cycles and Modules using side tab

🔧 Improvements

🐞 Bug Fixes

Thanks to all our contributors - @anmolsinghbhatia, @aaryan610, @NarayanBavisetti, @pablohashescobar, @prateekshourya29, @rameshkumarchandra, @1akhanBaheti, @Palanikannan1437, @MichaelErmer, @bgogri, @redrum15. 🙏🏻

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