


版本发布时间: 2023-11-07 19:41:01

novuhq/novu最新发布版本:v0.24.0(2024-03-18 17:44:43)

TL;DR: All you need to know about the latest Novu 0.21.0 release. Removal of the multi-providers feature flag, @novu/notification-center-angular package now supports Angular projects of version 15 and higher, new Actor system variables, Brand Logo Management, Organization APIs and more.

0.21 Release Updates

We're thrilled to announce the newest features in our most recent release. Let's get started and explore what's waiting for you!


Removal of the multi-providers Feature Flag

In this release, we are excited to announce the removal of the multi-providers feature flag. This feature was previously disabled by default to ensure backward compatibility.

Action Required for Upgrading

To upgrade to this new version, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Run Migration Script for Creating primary and priority Fields: You can access the migration script for creating primary and priority fields by clicking here.

    // apps/api/package.json
    "migration": "cross-env NODE_ENV=local MIGRATION=true ts-node --transpileOnly ./migrations/integration-scheme-update/add-primary-priority-migration.ts",
    cd apps/api
    npm run migration
  2. Run Migration Script for Updating Novu Integrations: To update Novu integrations, you'll need to execute the migration script available here.

    // apps/api/package.json
    "migration": "cross-env NODE_ENV=local MIGRATION=true ts-node --transpileOnly ./migrations/integration-scheme-update/update-primary-for-disabled-novu-integrations.ts",
    cd apps/api
    npm run migration

By following these steps, you can smoothly upgrade to the latest version of our software and enjoy the benefits of the multi-providers feature flag removal. If you encounter any issues during the upgrade process, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team for assistance.

PR Details:

chore(web): Remove multi-provider feature flag by @rifont in

Notification Center Angular

Starting with this release, the @novu/notification-center-angular package now supports Angular projects of version 15 and higher.

Previously, it had a limitation only for Angular version 15.

PR Details:

feat(notification-center-angular): Support Angular versions 15+ by @rifont in

Actor System Variables

In this release, we've introduced a new Actor system variables. These system variables can now be utilized within any channel editor, enhancing flexibility and customization.

Screenshot_2023-10-27_at_15 28 34

Screenshot_2023-10-27_at_15 29 43

This addition lets you incorporate dynamic actor information in your channel configurations, making your workflows more versatile and adaptable.

PR Details:

feat: add actor to system variables by @ainouzgali in

Brand Logo Management

This release introduces a new functionality that allows you to update or remove your brand logo seamlessly.

Screenshot_2023-10-27_at_15 34 27

These brand logo management capabilities give you greater control over your application's visual identity. Customize your branding effortlessly and tailor it to your specific needs.

PR Details:

feat: add ability to remove uploaded brand logo by @michaldziuba03 in

New Provider: Pushpad

We are excited to introduce a new integration with Pushpad in this release.

You can learn more about this provider here.

PR Details:

Screenshot_2023-10-27_at_15 39 53

Organization APIs Enhancement

In this release, we've introduced a significant enhancement - the Organization APIs. You can now harness the power of these APIs to manage their organizations efficiently, handle member listings, removals, and even update branding seamlessly.

Screenshot_2023-10-27_at_15 46 40

PR Details:

Notable changes

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

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