


版本发布时间: 2023-07-20 22:22:08

makeplane/plane最新发布版本:v0.19-dev(2024-05-03 23:17:58)

📢 What’s new?

This release ships with several highly requested features––Notifications, Automations, Bulk Invites, and more, drawing us nearer to our General Availability (GA) version. Delve into the details to learn about all the new updates,

🎉 Introducing Project Automation

While we are still in the initial stages, we have started introducing automation by unveiling two new features: Issue Archive and Auto-close Issues. These will enhance transparency regarding existing issues and facilitate the transition of your issues in 'Done' and 'Cancelled' status to your archive box.


(#1502, #1500, #1520, #1538, #1547, #1559, #1564, #1569)

🔔 Never miss a thing, Introducing In-app Notifications

We are excited to bring you the brand-new In-app Notification system, ensuring you never miss a beat when it comes to important updates on your issues.


(#1363, #1515, #1534, #1498, #1553, #1566, #1573, #1577, #1579, #1580, #1583, #1584, #1587, #1588 , #1591, #1592, #1593, #1596, #1598)

👥 Unveiling the Potent Bulk Invites!

Add multiple members to your projects using the bulk invites feature. Customize roles during the invitation process to ensure a seamless project adventure. 🚀 (#1466)


📊 New fields on Spreadsheet View

Created_On and Updated_On properties now display the creation and last update dates of each issue, empowering you with valuable timeline information. (#1454)

🤝 Unveiling OpenAI Host! 🌐

We are thrilled to announce the addition of support for custom OpenAI API endpoints, ensuring seamless compatibility. Additionally, we have updated the OpenAI-python package to its latest version and made necessary adjustments in accordance with the new API documentation. These exciting changes bring enhanced capabilities and improved performance.

A big thanks to @rush-skills for the contribution 👏. (#1447)

🆕 New Icons package

Get ready to experience a fresh look and feel with our revamped icon collection. We've carefully curated a wide range of stunning icons to elevate your user interface and enhance your overall app experience. (#1586)

🛞 Improvements

🐜 Bug Fixes

⚒️ Refactoring

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