

Fork: 61 Star: 41 (更新于 2024-08-29 14:35:14)


Language: Python .

DEPRECATED: Use tvb-root. The Virtual Brain framework. Requires tvb-library

最后发布版本: 1.5.10 ( 2019-10-16 04:04:17)

官方网址 GitHub网址

Using this repository (tvb-framework) from github is now considered DEPRECATED. We advise you to use our main tvb-root repository instead


The Virtual Brain framework is a complete framework including:

  • a plugable workflow manager;
  • a data persistence layer (with a relational DB and File Storage);
  • an HTML5 based user interface;
  • visualizers for neuro-science related entities.

The easiest way to make use of this code, is to obtain a Distribution of TVB with Python and all the necessary packages linked, and then clone this repo nearby. More details in our documentation <>__.

Alternatively, if you plan to develop long term with TVB, extensively modify code, add new dependencies, or you simply prefer to use your own Python installation, you may want to read this: here <>__.

If you don't require the framework features listed above, the simulator and associated scientific modules can be used independently; please see the tvb-library <>__ repo.

Framework structure


tvb-library     tvb-data
      \          /
        \       /


To use TVB code, clone from GitHub (, or get from Pypi::

pip install tvb-framework
python -m WEB_PROFILE tvb.config

Your port 8080 should be free, as a CherryPy service will try to run there. Your default browser should automatically open http://localhost:8080/ which is the way to interact with TVB Web Interface.

When using from sources (pypi or Github, not TVB_Distribution), if you want BCT adapters enabled, you should manually download BCT and set env variable BCT_PATH towards the directory where you unzip BCT, plus also have Octave or Matlab installed with command line API enabled.


For testing the package, the Pytest <>_ framework is used. Pytest can be installed using pip.

Pytest will run all files in the current directory and its subdirectories of the form test_*.py or * More generally, it follows standard test discovery rules <>

The command for running our tests has two forms. Recommendation when working with a git clone of tvb-framework::

cd [folder_where_tvb_framework_is]
pytest tvb/test/framework [--profile=TEST_POSTGRES_PROFILE] [--junitxml=path]
# default profile value is TEST_SQLITE_PROFILE

The second alternative form of running TVB tests, when installing TVB from Pypi, is::

pip install -U tvb-framework
pytest --pyargs tvb.tests.framework


A coverage report can be generated with::

pip install pytest-cov
cd [folder_where_tvb_framework_is]
py.test --cov=tvb tvb/tests/ --cov-branch --cov-report xml:[file_where_xml_will_be_generated]

Further Resources

最近版本更新:(数据更新于 2024-08-19 11:01:38)

2019-10-16 04:04:17 1.5.10

2019-06-11 22:53:20 1.5.8

2017-10-16 17:41:19 1.5.4

2017-05-10 19:12:01 1.5.1

2016-06-22 14:14:51 1.5

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