

Fork: 136 Star: 518 (更新于 2024-05-24 09:34:44)

license: GPL-2.0

Language: Perl .

Linux Small Business Server

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Zentyal Server is open source small business server, released under the GNU General Public License (GPL) and runs on top of Ubuntu GNU/Linux.


Zentyal Server is an easy to use Linux server for small and medium businesses

  • Directory & Domain Server with native compatibility with Microsoft Active Directory
  • Mail Server with ActiveSync and webmail
  • Gateway with firewall and proxy
  • Infrastructure Server with DNS/DHCP server, Certification Authority and Virtual Private Networks


Download our latest installer.


Checkout our development documentation to get started with Zentyal development.

Bug tracker

Have a bug? Please create a ticket in our Tracker

最近版本更新:(数据更新于 1970-01-01 00:00:00)

zentyal/zentyal同语言 Perl最近更新仓库

2024-02-07 01:14:41 major/MySQLTuner-perl

2023-12-18 21:57:03 fxcoudert/gfortran-for-macOS

2022-05-22 17:20:36 holzschu/a-shell

2020-05-29 09:41:32 cowsay-org/cowsay

2019-02-25 00:03:35 jfcoz/postgresqltuner

2018-08-31 09:24:13 alx-tools/Betty