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A collection of customizations ready to use with Cowabunga and FileSwitcherPro

最后发布版本: v3.0.0 ( 2023-03-13 02:46:29)




A collection of customizations ready to use with Cowabunga and FileSwitcherPro


All of my customizations are exported from my iPhone 13 Pro Max running iOS 16.0. I cannot guarantee that all customization will work on your device. Some customizations are iOS-specific, please apply the appropriate ones.


  1. Install Filza or Santander
  2. Install Cowabunga or FileSwitcherPro
  3. Create a folder named roeegh in the /var/mobile/Documents directory

How to use it?

  1. Download and unzip the .zip of the wanted customization(s) from the releases
  2. Move the file from the Replacement folder into the /var/mobile/Documents/roeegh folder
  3. Import the .cowperation if you are using Cowabunga or .fsp if you are using FileSwitcherPro

How to change the color?

  1. Navigate to /var/mobile/Documents/roeegh using Filza or Santander
  2. Open the file for the customization you want to edit and find the red, green, blue, and alpha fields
  3. Take your wanted color value and divide it by 255 to get a decimal value, enter that value in its respective RGBA field

Notice: Values must be between 0 and 1, otherwise you will respring every time you get a notification


Notification Shadow

Adds a colored shadow to Banners only and Bluetooth device pill

Original File Paths:

  • Light Mode: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PlatterKit.framework/platterVibrantShadowLight.visualstyleset

  • Dark Mode: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PlatterKit.framework/platterVibrantShadowDark.visualstyleset

Light Mode Dark Mode

Custom Spacebar

Change the text of the spacebar on your keyboard

Original File Paths:

  • English: /System/Library/TextInput/TextInput_en.bundle/Keyboard-en.plist

Notice: This file path is for the English language only, please change TextInput_en.bundle and Keyboard-en.plist with the correct one for your language

Light Mode Dark Mode

Custom CC

Bigger Now Playing module, smaller brightness and volume sliders, and smaller focus module

Original File Paths:

  • /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ControlCenterUI.framework/DefaultModuleSettings~iphone.plist
Light Mode Dark Mode


最近版本更新:(数据更新于 1970-01-01 00:00:00)

2023-03-13 02:46:29 v3.0.0

2023-03-12 09:50:50 v2.0.0

2023-03-11 15:33:52 v1.0.0


cowabunga, fileswitcherpro, macdirtycow

roeegh/Mise同语言 最近更新仓库

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2024-05-11 22:23:51 Eltirosto/Degrees-of-Lewdity-Chinese-Localization

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