

Fork: 0 Star: 0 (更新于 2024-09-04 03:21:01)

license: 暂无

Language: D .

A multi-system emulator written in the D programming language.



This project is an emulator written in the D programming language. It has a focus on modeling accuracy, and attempting to gain compatibility by accurately simulating the real hardware.


The point of this project is to accurately model reality, we believe that the only way to 100% compatibility, maintainability, and readable code is to hold SOLID principles in high regard, and to implement the IoC pattern to create small modules that can be tied together (much like real hardware) to compose a system.

The most basic building block in the project is the Cycle abstract class. State machines are implemented by defining an implementation of this Cycle class for each and every unique operation that the machine is capable of. Once those are defined, a CycleMapper and CycleMapFactory are used to compose the finite states that the machine can exist in:

cycleMap[ 0x65 ][ 2 ] += cycles.fetchInstruction + cycles.adc;

Once processors are composed, they can be synchronized as necessary. This model so far has forced us to implement a cycle accurate RP2C02 and half-cycle accurate RP6502. This approach leaves little room for error, which is a double-edged sword, on one hand you are required to do it right, on the other you can only simulate processors that you have a very deep understanding of.


Since I personally use MonoDevelop to work on this project, the build system is entirely restricted to .sln and .dproj files. If there is ever a demand for something more in-depth, it can be added at that point.

最近版本更新:(数据更新于 2024-07-29 18:54:55)

emrith/nintemulator同语言 D最近更新仓库

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2016-06-23 13:19:25 huntlabs/tcpserver

1970-01-01 00:00:00 ldc-developers/ldc

1970-01-01 00:00:00 CyberShadow/DustMite

1970-01-01 00:00:00 Dadoum/Provision