

Fork: 30 Star: 36 (更新于 2024-09-27 02:36:32)

license: Apache-2.0

Language: Erlang .

EMQX PostgreSQL Authentication Plugin

官方网址 GitHub网址


Authentication/ACL with PostgreSQL Database.

Build Plugin

make && make tests


File: etc/emqx_auth_pgsql.conf

## PostgreSQL server address.
## Value: Port | IP:Port
## Examples: 5432,, localhost:5432
auth.pgsql.server =

## PostgreSQL pool size.
## Value: Number
auth.pgsql.pool = 8

## PostgreSQL username.
## Value: String
auth.pgsql.username = root

## PostgreSQL password.
## Value: String
## auth.pgsql.password =

## PostgreSQL database.
## Value: String
auth.pgsql.database = mqtt

## PostgreSQL database encoding.
## Value: String
auth.pgsql.encoding = utf8

## Whether to enable SSL connection.
## Value: true | false
auth.pgsql.ssl = false

## SSL keyfile.
## Value: File
## auth.pgsql.ssl_opts.keyfile =

## SSL certfile.
## Value: File
## auth.pgsql.ssl_opts.certfile =

## SSL cacertfile.
## Value: File
## auth.pgsql.ssl_opts.cacertfile =

## Authentication query.
## Value: SQL
## Variables:
##  - %u: username
##  - %c: clientid
auth.pgsql.auth_query = select password from mqtt_user where username = '%u' limit 1

## Password hash.
## Value: plain | md5 | sha | sha256 | bcrypt
auth.pgsql.password_hash = sha256

## sha256 with salt prefix
## auth.pgsql.password_hash = salt,sha256

## sha256 with salt suffix
## auth.pgsql.password_hash = sha256,salt

## bcrypt with salt prefix
## auth.pgsql.password_hash = salt,bcrypt

## pbkdf2 with macfun iterations dklen
## macfun: md4, md5, ripemd160, sha, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512
## auth.pgsql.password_hash = pbkdf2,sha256,1000,20

## Superuser query.
## Value: SQL
## Variables:
##  - %u: username
##  - %c: clientid
auth.pgsql.super_query = select is_superuser from mqtt_user where username = '%u' limit 1

## ACL query. Comment this query, the ACL will be disabled.
## Value: SQL
## Variables:
##  - %a: ipaddress
##  - %u: username
##  - %c: clientid
auth.pgsql.acl_query = select allow, ipaddr, username, clientid, access, topic from mqtt_acl where ipaddr = '%a' or username = '%u' or username = '$all' or clientid = '%c'

Load Plugin

./bin/emqx_ctl plugins load emqx_auth_pgsql

Auth Table

Notice: This is a demo table. You could authenticate with any user table.

CREATE TABLE mqtt_user (
  id SERIAL primary key,
  is_superuser boolean,
  username character varying(100),
  password character varying(100),
  salt character varying(40)

ACL Table

CREATE TABLE mqtt_acl (
  id SERIAL primary key,
  allow integer,
  ipaddr character varying(60),
  username character varying(100),
  clientid character varying(100),
  access  integer,
  topic character varying(100)

INSERT INTO mqtt_acl (id, allow, ipaddr, username, clientid, access, topic)
	(3,0,NULL,'$all',NULL,1,'eq #'),

allow: Client's permission to access a topic. '0' means that the client does not have permission to access the topic, '1' means that the client have permission to access the topic.

ipaddr: Client IP address. For all ip addresses it can be '$all' or 'NULL'.

username: Client username. For all users it can be '$all' or 'NULL'.

clientid: Client id. For all client ids it can be '$all' or 'NULL'.

access: Operations that the client can perform. '1' means that the client can subscribe to a topic, '2' means that the client can publish to a topic, '3' means that the client can subscribe and can publish to a topic.

topic: Topic name. Topic wildcards are supported.

Notice that only one value allowed for ipaddr, username and clientid fields.


Apache License Version 2.0


EMQX Team.

最近版本更新:(数据更新于 2024-09-25 16:40:02)


authentication, emqx, emqx-plugin, postgresql

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