

Fork: 93 Star: 64 (更新于 2024-10-18 05:20:58)

license: 暂无

Language: Solidity .

最后发布版本: v1.0.0 ( 2021-02-26 11:11:11)


ETH BSC Swap Contracts

Security Report



ETH BSC Swap Contracts are responsible for registering swap pairs and swapping assets between ETH and BSC.

Register swap pair

  1. Users register swap pair for erc20 token on ETH via ETHSwapAgent(createSwapPair) if token is not registered.

  2. Swap service will monitor the SwapPairRegister event and create swap pair on BSC:

    1. create an BEP20 token on BSC
    2. record the relation between erc20 token and bep20 token.

Swap from ETH to BSC

Once swap pair is registered, users can swap tokens from ETH to BSC.

  1. Users call swapBSC2ETH via ETHSwapAgent and specify erc20 token address, amount and swap fee.
  2. Swap service will monitor the SwapStarted event and call fillETH2BSCSwap via BSCSwapAgent to mint corresponding bep20 tokens to the same address that initiate the swap.

Swap from BSC to ETH

Once swap pair is registered, users can swap tokens from BSC to ETH.

  1. Users call swapBSC2ETH via BSCSwapAgent and specify bep20 token address, amount and swap fee. Bep20 tokens will be burned.
  2. Swap service will monitor the SwapStarted event and call fillBSC2ETHSwap via BSCSwapAgent to transfer corresponding erc20 tokens to the same address that initiate the swap.

Generate contracts from templates

npm run generate


Generate test contracts from templates:

npm run generate-test

Run tests:

npm run truffle:test

Run coverage:

npm run coverage

最近版本更新:(数据更新于 2024-09-12 10:51:05)

2021-02-26 11:11:11 v1.0.0

2021-02-12 09:21:56 audit1.0

bnb-chain/eth-bsc-swap-contracts同语言 Solidity最近更新仓库

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