

Fork: 12 Star: 74 (更新于 2024-10-01 23:00:40)

license: MIT

Language: PHP .

A Guzzle middleware that lets you log HTTP requests in the PHP debugbar timeline.

最后发布版本: 3.0.1 ( 2020-09-18 01:36:28)


Guzzle middleware to log requests to PHP DebugBar's timeline

⚠️ This project is up for adoption. Get in touch if you're interested in actively maintaining 3 closely related packages.

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Guzzle middleware to log requests to DebugBar's timeline.

Debugbar timeline Debugbar logs


composer require hannesvdvreken/guzzle-debugbar --dev


Just six lines of code are needed to log your requests to DebugBar's timeline.

$debugBar = new StandardDebugBar();
// or when using Laravel:
$debugBar = app('debugbar');

// Get data collector.
$timeline = $debugBar->getCollector('time');

// Wrap the timeline.
$profiler = new \GuzzleHttp\Profiling\Debugbar\Profiler($timeline);

// Add the middleware to the stack
$stack = \GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack::create();
$stack->unshift(new \GuzzleHttp\Profiling\Middleware($profiler));

// New up the client with this handler stack.
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['handler' => $stack]);

Now $client is ready to make requests. Every request is now logged to the timeline.

Recommended: use Guzzle's Log middleware

$debugBar = new StandardDebugBar();
// or when using Laravel:
$debugBar = app('debugbar');

// PSR-3 logger:
$logger = $debugBar->getCollector('messages');

// Create a new Log middleware.
$stack->push(\GuzzleHttp\Middleware::log($logger, new \GuzzleHttp\MessageFormatter()));

// New up the client with this handler stack.
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['handler' => $stack]);



It is recommended to have my friend Barry's laravel-debugbar installed and configured. Make sure to include his and our service providers your app's providers array:

'providers' => [

If you want to use a different DebugBar\DebugBar instance, create a ServiceProvider that binds an instance with the key debugbar. For example with this register method:

public function register()
    $this->app->singleton('debugbar', function () {
        return new \DebugBar\StandardDebugBar();

Be sure to create every client (type hint with GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface or GuzzleHttp\Client) via the IoC container.


I get one of these errors:

'time' is not a registered collector 'exceptions' is not a registered collector

It means you disabled the time collector and/or the exceptions collector in your packages/barryvdh/laravel-debugbar/config.php. These are enabled by default. This package depends on it, so please enable them both.


Feel free to make a pull request. Please try to be as PSR-2 compliant as possible. Fix Code Style quickly by running vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix. Give a good description of what is supposed to be added/changed/removed/fixed.


To test your code before pushing, run the unit test suite.




最近版本更新:(数据更新于 2024-08-20 15:36:07)

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2015-11-25 23:46:06 2.0.0

2015-01-07 08:14:07 1.1.0

2015-01-07 00:18:16 1.0.0

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