

Fork: 1459 Star: 21725 (更新于 2024-05-11 16:18:23)

license: MIT

Language: PHP .

A full-stack framework for Laravel that takes the pain out of building dynamic UIs.

最后发布版本: v3.4.12 ( 2024-05-03 01:12:00)



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Livewire is a full-stack framework for Laravel that allows you to build dynamic UI components without leaving PHP.

Official Documentation

You can read the official documentation on the Livewire website.


Thank you for considering contributing to Livewire! You can read the contribution guide here.

Code of Conduct

In order to ensure that the Laravel community is welcoming to all, please review and abide by Laravel's Code of Conduct.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.


Livewire is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

最近版本更新:(数据更新于 2024-05-11 16:18:07)

2024-05-03 01:12:00 v3.4.12

2024-04-24 20:29:06 v3.4.11

2024-04-02 22:32:36 v3.4.10

2024-03-14 22:07:31 v3.4.9

2024-03-08 21:08:08 v3.4.8

2024-03-06 00:44:15 v3.4.7

2024-02-21 04:47:56 v3.4.6

2024-02-19 22:58:52 v3.4.5

2024-01-29 03:43:45 v3.4.4

2024-01-29 02:20:29 v3.4.3

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