local world data backup / restore
- pg_dump --table=abilities --table=crits --table=areas --table=classes --table=item_drops --table=items --table=lair_monsters --table=monster_abilities --table=monster_templates --table=rooms --table=scripts --data-only --dbname=apathy_drive -Fc > priv/data.dump
- pg_restore --dbname=apathy_drive -U apathy_drive -W -h localhost priv/data.dump
Setting up the build server
- docker-machine create --driver virtualbox apathy-drive-build
- eval "$(docker-machine env apathy-drive-build)"
- word on the street is
docker rmi $(docker images --filter "dangling=true" -q --no-trunc)
might help if docker is being lame and running out of space
- cap production deploy
misc db commands
- create db:
cap production db:create
- drop / restore world data:
cap production db:reload
- reset world data (map control / mobiles):
cap production deploy:reset
最近版本更新:(数据更新于 1970-01-01 00:00:00)
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