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Presentation layer: Xamarin Forms custom components and renderers

最后发布版本: v1.7.1 ( 2020-07-23 16:48:35)



Logo Library name Version
Sharpnado.Presentation.Forms Sharpnado.Presentation.Forms

Latest version of Sharpnado.Presentation.Forms (v1.7.1) doesn't have all the sharpnado nugets up to date.

The preferred way of using packages is now to install only the one needed individually.

MUST READ: Big refactoring ?

The big sharpnado refactoring is over.

Each sharpnado's component has now its own repo.

  • Sharpnado.Tabs have now their own repo
  • Sharpnado.HorizontalListView have now its own repo
  • The Sharpnado.Presentation.Forms repo is now only a Home page for all the Sharpnado's component.

Latest version of Sharpnado.Presentation.Forms (v1.7.1) doesn't have all the sharpnado nugets up to date.

Version 1.8 will include latest components and won't require initialization code.

Preferred way of using packages is now to install only the one needed.

Sample App: the Silly! app

All the following components are presented in the Silly! app in the following repository:

If you want to know how to use the components, it's the best place to start.


IMPORTANT: On platform projects, call SharpnadoInitializer.Initialize() after Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init() and before LoadApplication(new App()).

Featured Components

Xamarin Forms custom components and renderers starring:


  • Fully customizable
  • Underlined tabs, bottom tabs, Segmented control, scrollable tabs
  • BadgeView
  • Component oriented architecture
  • Layout your tabs and ViewSwitcher as you want
  • Shadows included in TabHost
  • Bindable



  • Add as many custom shadows as you like to any Xamarin.Forms view (Android, iOS, UWP).
  • You can specify each shadow Color, Opacity, BlurRadius, and Offset
  • Simply implement Neumorphism
  • You can add one shadow, 3 shadows, 99 shadows, to any Xamarin.Forms element
  • Animate any of these property and make the shadows dance around your elements
  • No AndroidX or SkiaSharp dependency required, only Xamarin.Forms



  • 4 built-in themes: AcrylicBlur/Acrylic/Dark/Light
  • 3 Blur Styles: Light/ExtraLight/Dark
  • Based on RealtimeBlurView on Android and UIVisualEffectView on iOS
  • Dark elevation
  • LightBackground color
  • CornerRadius
  • Performance


HorizontalListView for Xamarin Forms

  • Horizontal, Grid, Carousel or Vertical layout
  • Reveal custom animations
  • Drag and Drop feature
  • Column count
  • Infinite loading with Paginator component
  • Snapping on first or middle element
  • Padding and item spacing
  • Handles NotifyCollectionChangedAction Add, Remove and Reset actions
  • View recycling
  • RecyclerView on Android
  • UICollectionView on iOS


Sharpnado.TaskLoaderView 2.0 handles all your task loading states

  • Handles error with custom messages and icons
  • Handles empty states
  • Show snackbar errors for refresh scenarios (if data is already shown)
  • Handles retry with button
  • Support Xamarin.Forms.Skeleton
  • Can override any state views with your own custom ones

IMPORTANT: On platform projects, call SharpnadoInitializer.Initialize() after Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init() and before LoadApplication(new App()).

Those components are used and tested in the Silly! app:

Open Source licenses and inspirations

最近版本更新:(数据更新于 2024-05-14 17:21:22)

2020-07-23 16:48:35 v1.7.1

2020-06-30 20:57:53 v1.7.0

2020-04-29 21:30:43 v1.6.0

2020-04-08 20:55:57 v1.5.1

2020-04-07 18:29:00 v1.5

2020-01-29 02:39:17 v1.4.0

2019-09-24 23:14:11 v1.3.0

2019-06-15 23:59:14 v1.2.0

2019-04-17 21:18:08 v1.1.0

2019-03-25 20:19:06 v1.0.0

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