

Fork: 9 Star: 23 (更新于 2024-09-20 23:25:44)

license: 暂无

Language: Fortran .

This is providing the code for 2D ambient noise adjoint tomography and joint inversion of ambient noise and teleseismic body-wave


Adjoint tomography for Linear seismic array data

part-1:2D ambient noise adjoint tomography


This is providing the final models, REGFs and codes in the paper: Zhang C., Yao H., Liu Q., Zhang P., Yuan Y., Feng J., Fang L., 2018. Linear array ambient noise adjoint tomography reveals intense crust-mantle interactions in North China Craton. J. Geophys. Res. , 123, DOI: 10.1002/2017JB015019

                             图-1 基于线性台阵背景噪声波形伴随成像法流程示意图

1 Finalmodel: the inverted Vs model: M14_Fang_final(Figure 8d), M23_Duan_final(Figure 10b)

2 REGFs:reconstructed empirical green function (observed data)

3 seiscode: source code including two parts:

3.1) 3D/2D :the 3D/2D data transformation method

3.2) seisNoise2D :the 2D linear array ambient noise tomography

This is the source code without users' manual about how to use it. If you need a detail description, feel free to send an email to Chao Zhang ( with a brief introduction about yourself and why you want to use it. We will be happy to help.

part-2: Joint inversion based on adjoint tomography of ambient noise and teleseismic body-wave(update)


Following the workflow of part-1, we develope the joint inversion of ambient noise and teleseismic body-wave for linear arrays based on adjoint tomography.


[1] Zhang, C., Yao, H., Liu, Q., Zhang, P., Yuan, Y., Feng, J., Fang, L., 2018, Linear Array Ambient Noise Adjoint Tomography Reveals Intense Crust Mantle Interactions in North China Craton, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123(1), 368-383.

[2] Lei T., Yao H., Zhang C. Effect of lateral heterogeneity on 2D Rayleigh wave ZH amplitude ratio sensitivity kernels based on the adjoint method: synthetic and inversion examples. [J] Accepted by Earth and Planetary Physics.

[3] Zhang, C., Yao, H., Tong,P., Liu, Q., 2019, Joint inversion of surface wave and teleseismic body-wave data for linear arrays based on adjoint tomography

[4] Zhang, C., Yao, H., Liu, Q., Zhang, P., Yuan, Y., Feng, J., Fang, L., 2017, Ambient noise adjoint tomography for a Linear array in North China, AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans.

[5] 张超, 姚华建, 刘沁雅, 袁艳华, 张萍, 冯吉坤, 房立华, 2017, 基于线性台阵波形反演的背景噪声互相关函数二维结构成像方法研究及应用, 第4届中国地球科学联合学术年会, 北京.

[6] Yao, H., Zhang, C., Lei, T., and Liu, Q., 2018. Linear Array Ambient Noise Adjoint Tomography with Phases and Amplitude Ratios: Methodology and Application, AOGS Annual meeting, Hawaii.

[7]Lei T., Yao H., Zhang C., Liang F. Imaging urban underground structure using ambient noise from surface wave traveltime tomography to adjoint-based waveform tomography. 2019 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, U.S.

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