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Language: Haskell .

Haskell to VHDL/Verilog/SystemVerilog compiler

最后发布版本: v1.8.1 ( 2023-11-11 06:13:10)

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Clash - A functional hardware description language

Pipeline status Hackage Hackage Dependencies Documentation Status

Clash is a functional hardware description language that borrows both its syntax and semantics from the functional programming language Haskell. The Clash compiler transforms these high-level descriptions to low-level synthesizable VHDL, Verilog, or SystemVerilog.

Features of Clash:

  • Strongly typed, but with a very high degree of type inference, enabling both safe and fast prototyping using concise descriptions.

  • Interactive REPL: load your designs in an interpreter and easily test all your component without needing to setup a test bench.

  • Higher-order functions, with type inference, result in designs that are fully parametric by default.

  • Synchronous sequential circuit design based on streams of values, called Signals, lead to natural descriptions of feedback loops.

  • Support for multiple clock domains, with type safe clock domain crossing.


Mailing list: for updates and questions join the mailing list or read the forum

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IRC: (webchat access) (or ircs:// if you want to use a regular IRC client)

Get Clash

Check out to install the latest stable release of Clash, or to setup a Clash project.

Get Clash from source

Get the source code using Git and enter the cloned directory:

git clone

# Alternatively, if you haven't setup SSH keys with GitHub:
# git clone

cd clash-compiler

To check out a released version, use:

git checkout v1.2.3

To checkout a release branch use:

git checkout 1.2

Note that release branches might contain non-released patches.

GHC compatibility

Linux Windows macOS Clash (released) Clash (development version)
8.6 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ 1.0 - 1.8
8.8 ✔️ ✔️ 1.0 - 1.8
8.10 ✔️ ✔️ 1.2 - 1.8 ✔️
9.0 ✔️ ✔️² ✔️ 1.4 - 1.8 ✔️
9.2 ⚠️¹ ⚠️¹ ⚠️¹ 1.8 ⚠️¹️
9.4 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ 1.8 ✔️
9.6 ✔️ ✔️³ ✔️ 1.8 ✔️

¹ GHC 9.2 contains a regression, rendering Clash error messages indecipherable. This change was reverted in 9.4.

² GHC 9.0.2 on Windows fails to compile clash-cores. We therefore don't run the Clash testsuite on CI for this combination.

³ Clash starts extremely slowly when compiled with 9.6 on Windows. See #2684.


To use Cabal you need both Cabal and GHC installed on your system. We recommend using ghcup. For more information, see

To run clash use:

cabal v2-run -- clash

If this fails, make sure you've got an up-to-date package index:

cabal update


Install Stack and run:

stack run -- clash


Or use Nix to get a shell with the clash and clashi binaries on your PATH:

# Start the default dev shell
nix develop .

# Start a dev shell with a specific GHC version
nix develop .#ghc961

You will need a modern version of nix with support for the new-style nix command and flakes (2.4 or newer). Support for these must still be manually enabled, this can be done by setting

experimental-features = nix-command flakes

in your nix.conf.

To automatically enter and exit the nix environment on directory change, you can install direnv and nix-direnv and write the following to a .envrc file in the root of this repository:

use flake

watch_file nix/*

Upon adding or changing this file you must direnv allow in order for the file to be automatically loaded / reloaded on project changes.

Individual packages / applications can also be built or run using the nix build and nix run commands, i.e.

nix build .#clash-ghc
nix run .#clashi

Related libraries and initiatives

  • Clashilator: tooling to integrate Clash with Verilator. Enables fast, multithreaded simulation by compiling Clash designs to C++.
  • Clash Protocols: experimental library for writing Clash circuits with bidirectional communication - such as AXI or Avalon.
  • Clash Starters: starter projects to quickly get you up and running.
  • Clash WaveDrom: generate wave diagrams from Clash using WaveDrom

Projects built with Clash

最近版本更新:(数据更新于 2024-05-29 16:56:39)

2023-11-11 06:13:10 v1.8.1

2023-11-10 17:30:00 v1.8.0

2023-06-28 00:11:53 v1.6.5

2022-08-31 00:48:53 v1.6.4

2022-04-07 21:31:34 v1.6.3

2022-02-25 23:08:18 v1.6.2

2022-02-11 18:16:24 v1.6.1

2022-02-10 22:49:23 v1.6.0

2022-01-30 21:37:57 v1.4.7

2021-10-26 20:01:19 v1.4.6


asic, fpga, hardware-description-language, haskell, systemverilog, verilog, vhdl

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2024-04-23 19:16:53 ivanperez-keera/dunai

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2016-10-03 14:00:16 z0w0/helm

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