


版本发布时间: 2023-04-19 04:20:55

ndeadly/MissionControl最新发布版本:v0.11.0(2024-04-01 13:24:59)

GitHub Releases Discord Server

This is the eighteenth official release of Mission Control.

I said it wasn't a priority. I said it was likely going to be too much work and probably wouldn't happen. Well, I guess I was wrong because Mission Control now supports Dualshock 3 controllers!

This release also makes some changes to the settings in the missioncontrol.ini configuration file. Please refer to the readme for full details

New users landing on this release page should first check out the readme on the main project page for the official project documentation. There you can find installation and usage instructions along with an FAQ section that will answer most of your questions.


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