


版本发布时间: 2023-04-05 23:12:39

redis-rs/redis-rs最新发布版本:redis-0.25.3(2024-04-04 13:21:56)

This release adds the cluster_async module, which introduces async Redis Cluster support. The code therein is largely taken from @Marwes's redis-cluster-async crate, which itself appears to have started from a sync Redis Cluster mplementation started by @atuk721. In any case, thanks to @Marwes and @atuk721 for the great work, and we hope to keep development moving forward in redis-rs.

This release also adds support for Rustls, a long-sought feature. Thanks to @rharish101 and @LeoRowan for getting this in! Note that the tls and async-std-tls-comp features have been deprecated and replaced by tls-native-tls and async-std-native-tls-comp, respectively.

Though async Redis Cluster functionality for the time being has been kept as close to the originating crate as possible, previous users of redis-cluster-async should note the following changes:

Breaking Changes


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