


版本发布时间: 2023-03-29 22:16:13

hasura/graphql-engine最新发布版本:v2.38.1(2024-04-03 01:37:52)



Apollo Federation (GA)

Apollo federation support is now stable. You need to turn on the feature using either the flag --enable-apollo-federation or by setting the environment variable HASURA_GRAPHQL_ENABLE_APOLLO_FEDERATION to true.

Please note that the existing way of turning on the feature (via HASURA_GRAPHQL_EXPERIMENTAL_FEATURES) is still supported but is deprecated.

Dynamic DB Connection Routing (GA) (Cloud / Enterprise edition only)

Dynamic DB connection routing has now been added to console and it is now GA. Hasura Cloud and Enterprise customers can now leverage dynamic routing to implement different kinds of database topology patterns with Hasura.


Read more in the docs

Cache webhook auth token (Cloud / Enterprise edition only)

Hasura can now cache the authentication webhook response in the webhook mode.

For caching you need to return either:

Behaviour changes

Updating from v2.22.0-beta.1

v2.22.0-beta.2 removed a Hasura metadata catalog migration that was added in v2.22.0-beta.1 on the hdb_catalog.event_log and hdb.event_invocation_logs tables.

With this change, on upgrading to v2.22.0 from v2.22.0-beta.1, the following startup error will be thrown:

  "detail": {
    "kind": "catalog_migrate",
    "info": {  "code": "not-supported", "error": "Expected source catalog version <= 3, but the current version is 4", "path": "$"}
  "level": "error",
  "timestamp": "2023-03-28T10:17:24.289+0530",
  "type": "startup"

To fix these errors run the following SQL on the database where the event triggers are defined on and restart the Hasura instance.

UPDATE hdb_catalog.hdb_source_catalog_version SET version = 3, upgraded_on= NOW();
ALTER table hdb_catalog.event_log ALTER COLUMN created_at SET DEFAULT NOW();
ALTER table hdb_catalog.event_invocation_logs ALTER COLUMN created_at SET DEFAULT NOW();

Order change in exported per-role API limits metadata (Cloud / Enterprise edition only)

In instances with configured per-role API limits, exported metadata includes a mapping from role names to limit configuration. Previously these entries were given in the order they were created. Now the entries are ordered by role name instead.

Bug fixes and improvements



相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 cli-hasura-darwin-amd64 75.41MB

2、 cli-hasura-darwin-arm64 75.43MB

3、 cli-hasura-linux-amd64 23.5MB

4、 cli-hasura-linux-arm64 22.05MB

5、 cli-hasura-windows-amd64.exe 69.27MB
