版本发布时间: 2023-03-24 19:10:53
FeatureProbe/FeatureProbe最新发布版本:2.7.0(2023-09-20 11:25:02)
Release Date: 2023-03-24 Version: V2.3.0
:sparkles: New Features:
- Support more types of calculation methods (conversion, count, average, sum) #227
- Provide SDK integration guide and event tracking guide #209
- Python SDK supports event tracking #105
- Golang SDK supports event tracking #104
- Mini Program SDK supports event tracking #166
- Node.js SDK supports event tracking #107
- Mini Program SDK supports SocketIO to receive real-time toggle updates #5
- Add diagnostic function for cases where metric data is empty #226
:hammer: Improvements:
- Remove "reason" field in "withdrawn approval" and "abandoned approval" #213
- Provide All-in-One container and corresponding deployment documentation #200
- When users choose "continue to modify based on this request" in "withdrawn approval" or "abandoned approval", add a risk warnings#175
- Support separating queries for "SDK connection" and "event tracking" using different underlying SDKs #208
- When reloading toggle list page, retain the filter state
- Add UA header to React SDK requests #229
:books: Documentation:
- Added explanation of "event tracking" to the "Python SDK" usage documentation
- Added explanation of "event tracking" to the "Golang SDK" usage documentation
- Added explanation of "event tracking" to the "Mini Program SDK" usage documentation
- Added explanation of "event tracking" to the "Node.js SDK" usage documentation
- Added documentation on common causes of data gaps in metric analysis #230
- Added documentation on "metric types" #210