


版本发布时间: 2023-03-09 20:06:01

supabase/supabase最新发布版本:v0.24.03(2024-04-06 09:28:55)

GraphiQL editor in the dashboard

GraphiQL editor in the dashboard

The most popular GraphQL IDE/API explorer is now built into the dashboard! You can now explore and query your GraphQL API produced by pg_graphql.

Try it now.

Supabase + OpenAI search

Supabase + OpenAI search

We've updated our Docs search functionality to use pgvector + OpenAI. Still no cease and desist from Microsoft, so you can continue to ask Clippy any Supabase-specific questions 📎💚

Ask Clippy.

Serve all the functions!

Serve all the functions!

Do you use multiple Edge Functions in your project? Then celebrate! Supabase CLI 1.36+ now supports serving multiple Edge Functions at the same time.

To enable the feature, just run supabase functions serve in your project.

Check the docs.

Smaller Postgres docker images for everyone

Smaller Postgres docker images for everyone

We rewrote the Postgres Dockerfile with multi-stage builds so that each extension is compiled in its own separate stage. This reduces the size of the image from 1.3GB to 250MB, enabling a much faster boot time.

See it yourself

New UI for Postgres Roles

New UI for Postgres Roles

We've improved database role management. You can create, update, and delete database roles through the dashboard. Just one small step towards column-level security

Check it out.

API docs in the table editor

API docs in the table editor

API docs got a light touchup and were moved to the table editor. You can now look up API methods and generate & download type files right there ✨

Check it out.

Quick product updates

Edge Functions: upgraded to Deno 1.30.3, that supports TypeScript 4.9.x and introduces satisfies. Thanks to Benjamin Dobell 🙏. PR

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