


版本发布时间: 2023-03-01 23:30:54

OpenBB-finance/OpenBBTerminal最新发布版本:v3.2.5(2024-03-15 00:59:02)

Thank you and welcome to our new contributors 🔥

@elyanah-aco, @shivansh2310 and @xinbaDev

What's new 🎉

We had quite a busy 2 weeks.

What's changed 🚀

We are proud of our community contributors and staunch supporters of open-source ecosystems. Help us promote our community by tagging @openbb_finance on Twitter with a link to your pull request, and join our Discord server to chat about your contribution! We want to hear about your experience!

Links 🦋

Website, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, Reddit, Discord

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 ARM64.MacOS.OpenBB.Terminal.v2.5.0.dmg 611.85MB

2、 Windows.OpenBB.Terminal.v2.5.0.exe 567.46MB

3、 x86.64.MacOS.OpenBB.Terminal.v2.5.0.dmg 613.42MB
