版本发布时间: 2018-01-20 11:01:47
PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH最新发布版本:v9.5.0.0p1-Beta(2023-12-19 00:57:34)
This is a pre-release (non-production ready)
This release includes changes to further prepare this fork for future integration to upstream repository. Also included are changes incorporating community feedback.
Unix styled privilege separation is implemented for Windows
- OpenSSh privilege separation model - http://www.citi.umich.edu/u/provos/ssh/privsep.html
- Posix_spawn is implemented in POSIX adapter as an alternative to fork() that is heavily used in Privilege separation.
- Additional state info is added to sshd to accommodate distinguishing the various modes (privileged monitor, unprivileged child, authenticated child).
- Required service state (like config and host keys) is transmitted over pipes from monitor to child processes.
- For every remote session, you'll now see 2 sshd processes, one running as SYSTEM and one running as the USER (similar to what you would see on Unix)
Changes to installation steps to adhere to the new architecture
- SSHD server is installed to run as SYSTEM
- SSHD no longer depends on ssh-agent server
- SSHD resources (sshd_config, hostkeys and authorized_keys) no longer need "READ" access to NT Service\SSHD.
Config/State separation
- SSHD resources - sshd_config, hostkeys are moved to a dedicated hidden directory - %ProgramData%\ssh
- SSH global resources - ssh_config and ssh_known_hosts will now work and can be placed in the above directory
- Logs would be written to the above directory too. This is a temporary solution while we evaluate moving logs to ETW sessions.
SSHD prerequisites auto setup
- SSHD service prereq resources - sshd_config and hostkeys, if they don't already exist - will now be automatically generated as part of service startup.
- This will reduce instllation steps to all but one step - i.e to run installsshd.ps1. There will be no more configuration steps needed.
Other misc issues listed here
Breaking Changes
- You need to be SYSTEM to do SSHD debug mode (sshd -d), typically used in troubleshooting scenarios. Running as an administrator is no longer sufficient. You may use
psexec -s cmd
to open up cmd.exe running as SYSTEM. - To use existing customized sshd_config, you need to copy it to %programdata%\ssh\sshd_config (Note that %programdata% is a hidden directory).
- To use existing host keys, you need to copy them from binary location to %programdata%\ssh\
- Prior versions required SSHD resources (sshd_config, host keys and authorized_keys) to have READ access to "NT Service\SSHD". This is no longer a requirement and the corresponding ACL entry should be removed. You may run
Powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command '. .\FixHostFilePermissions.ps1 -Confirm:$false'
to fix up these permissions. - Make sure binary location has the write permissions to just SYSTEM, Administrator groups. It is recommended to extract binaries to
Known Issues:
- You may not be able to connect with sshd logs showing that "unable to get security token for user sshd". Please see #1053
- Match Blocks support has regressed. This will be fixed in the upcoming release.
1、 OpenSSH-Win32.zip 2.58MB
2、 OpenSSH-Win32_Symbols.zip 9.34MB
3、 OpenSSH-Win64.zip 3MB
4、 OpenSSH-Win64_Symbols.zip 9.18MB