版本发布时间: 2018-01-04 05:57:09
coreos/etcd-operator最新发布版本:v0.9.4(2019-02-28 10:24:59)
[Release 0.8.0]
Important Changes
Both etcd backup operator and etcd restore operator have changed their CR definition. Please follow the latest backup/restore CR definition for future backup and restore.
- Add readiness probe to etcd pod. The readiness state will be reflected on
. - TLS etcd cluster support in backup/restore-operator.
- Add spec validation in restore operator.
- Add BackupStorageType to EtcdRestore.RestoreSpec to indicate type of the backup storage which is used as RestoreSource and validation of BackupStorageType in restore operator.
- Add EtcdClusterRef to EtcdRestore.RestoreSpec to reference an EtcdCluster resource whose metadata and spec will be used to create the new restored EtcdCluster CR.
- Add create-crd flag to etcd backup operator allowing user to disable automatic backup CRD creation.
- Add create-crd flag to etcd restore operator allowing user to disable automatic restore CRD creation.
- Add EtcdVersion and EtcdRevision to EtcdBackup.BackupStatus.
- BackupStatus: Add detailed error when backup fails.
- Rename BackupCRStatus to BackupStatus.
- EtcdBackup: BackupSpec passes in S3BackupSource.Path as the S3 path to save the backup.
- EtcdBackup: BackupSpec spec uses etcd endpoints to retrieve snapshot.
- Change default etcd version to
- EtcdBackup: BackupSpec removed ClusterName field in favor of etcd endpoints.
- EtcdCluster: ClusterSpec removed deprecated BaseImage field.