


版本发布时间: 2023-01-22 23:21:22

bmaltais/kohya_ss最新发布版本:v24.0.7(2024-04-26 07:58:34)

What's Changed

- Add support for `network_alpha` under the Training tab and support for `--training_comment` under the Folders tab.
- Add ``--network_alpha`` option to specify ``alpha`` value to prevent underflows for stable training. Thanks to CCRcmcpe!
    - Details of the issue are described in .
    - The default value is ``1``, scale ``1 / rank (or dimension)``. Set same value as ``network_dim`` for same behavior to old version.
    - LoRA with a large dimension (rank) seems to require a higher learning rate with ``alpha=1`` (e.g. 1e-3 for 128-dim, still investigating). 
- For generating images in Web UI, __the latest version of the extension ``sd-webui-additional-networks`` (v0.3.0 or later) is required for the models trained with this release or later.__
- Add logging for the learning rate for U-Net and Text Encoder independently, and for running average epoch loss. Thanks to mgz-dev!  
- Add more metadata such as dataset/reg image dirs, session ID, output name etc... See for details. Thanks to space-nuko!
    - __Now the metadata includes the folder name (the basename of the folder contains image files, not fullpath).__ If you do not want it, disable metadata storing with ``--no_metadata`` option.
- Add ``--training_comment`` option. You can specify an arbitrary string and refer to it by the extension.

Full Changelog:

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