


版本发布时间: 2023-01-18 22:02:04

confluentinc/librdkafka最新发布版本:v2.3.0(2023-10-25 23:18:50)

librdkafka v2.0.0 is a feature release:

Upgrade considerations

OpenSSL 3.0.x

OpenSSL default ciphers

The introduction of OpenSSL 3.0.x in the self-contained librdkafka bundles changes the default set of available ciphers, in particular all obsolete or insecure ciphers and algorithms as listed in the OpenSSL legacy manual page are now disabled by default.

WARNING: These ciphers are disabled for security reasons and it is highly recommended NOT to use them.

Should you need to use any of these old ciphers you'll need to explicitly enable the legacy provider by configuring ssl.providers=default,legacy on the librdkafka client.

OpenSSL engines and providers

OpenSSL 3.0.x deprecates the use of engines, which is being replaced by providers. As such librdkafka will emit a deprecation warning if ssl.engine.location is configured.

OpenSSL providers may be configured with the new ssl.providers configuration property.

Broker TLS certificate hostname verification

The default value for ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm has been changed from none (no hostname verification) to https, which enables broker hostname verification (to counter man-in-the-middle impersonation attacks) by default.

To restore the previous behaviour, set ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm to none.

Known Issues

Poor Consumer batch API messaging guarantees

The Consumer Batch APIs rd_kafka_consume_batch() and rd_kafka_consume_batch_queue() are not thread safe if rkmessages_size is greater than 1 and any of the seek, pause, resume or rebalancing operation is performed in parallel with any of the above APIs. Some of the messages might be lost, or erroneously returned to the application, in the above scenario.

It is strongly recommended to use the Consumer Batch APIs and the mentioned operations in sequential order in order to get consistent result.

For rebalancing operation to work in sequencial manner, please set rebalance_cb configuration property (refer examples/rdkafka_complex_consumer_example.c for the help with the usage) for the consumer.



General fixes

Transactional producer fixes

Consumer fixes


Release asset checksums:

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