版本发布时间: 2017-12-18 02:21:42
evilsocket/arc最新发布版本:v1.4.0(2024-04-07 22:26:06)
02ae666 Expiring and expired records are now marked with a specific background image. 892afe6 Releasing v1.0.5 79b69af Set theme jekyll-theme-modernist f7694db doc: added a few useful commands on the README file. cefc441 fix: added missing event to the readme 4f4c8c8 fix: decreased footer font size. 76bd343 fix: fixed a bug due to access of undefined variable. 7fdd7a7 fix: fixed a bug in keyboard shortcuts execution which intercepted erroneously events on the html area. 7879331 fix: fixed a bug in keyboard shortcuts execution which intercepted erroneously events on the text area. 6b04aa5 fix: for some reason i deleted an important line of code XD a5e1c08 fix: keyboard shortcuts are not triggered if ctrl is pressed. acdf3af fix: made expiring and expired icons colors lighter. c87bcf6 fix: new_release.sh script will use an updated samples_config.json file. d1e3313 fix: readme edits 6bfb836 fix: readme edits 73c43cd fix: readme edits 8788e70 fix: readme typo ddee352 fix: removed useless stuff c2e1708 new: added new 'r' keyboard shortcut to trigger current item renaming. 8a2eaf9 new: adding *bsd to goreleaser file. f806b7d new: adding mips to supported archs 25e6911 new: arc server now checks for updates every hour and sends a notification if a newer version is found. 0ac9521 new: email notifications now are (optionally) pgp encrypted by arcd before being sent. e048482 new: releases are now generated for freebsd as well. 3133dd1 refact: reduced informative logs 2b9e57c refact: refactored code which serializes the form into an encrypted record.
Automated with GoReleaser Built with go version go1.8.3 linux/amd64
1、 arc_1.0.5_checksums.txt 1.96KB
2、 arc_1.0.5_darwin_386.tar.gz 5.02MB
3、 arc_1.0.5_darwin_amd64.tar.gz 5.22MB
4、 arc_1.0.5_freebsd_386.tar.gz 4.84MB
5、 arc_1.0.5_freebsd_amd64.tar.gz 5.04MB
6、 arc_1.0.5_freebsd_armv6.tar.gz 4.86MB
7、 arc_1.0.5_linux_386.tar.gz 4.84MB
8、 arc_1.0.5_linux_amd64.tar.gz 5.03MB
9、 arc_1.0.5_linux_arm64.tar.gz 4.8MB
10、 arc_1.0.5_linux_armv6.tar.gz 4.83MB
11、 arc_1.0.5_linux_mips.tar.gz 4.63MB
12、 arc_1.0.5_linux_mips64.tar.gz 4.65MB
13、 arc_1.0.5_linux_mips64le.tar.gz 4.59MB
14、 arc_1.0.5_linux_mipsle.tar.gz 4.6MB
15、 arc_1.0.5_netbsd_386.tar.gz 4.84MB
16、 arc_1.0.5_netbsd_amd64.tar.gz 5.04MB
17、 arc_1.0.5_netbsd_armv6.tar.gz 4.84MB
18、 arc_1.0.5_openbsd_386.tar.gz 4.84MB
19、 arc_1.0.5_openbsd_amd64.tar.gz 5.03MB
20、 arc_1.0.5_openbsd_armv6.tar.gz 4.83MB
21、 arc_1.0.5_windows_386.zip 4.94MB
22、 arc_1.0.5_windows_amd64.zip 5.15MB