


版本发布时间: 2017-12-05 09:57:11

pytorch/pytorch最新发布版本:v2.4.1(2024-09-05 03:59:29)

Table of contents

Breaking changes

Stochastic functions, i.e. Variable.reinforce() were removed because of their limited functionality and broad performance implications. The motivation for stochastic functions was to avoid book-keeping of sampled values. In practice, users were still book-keeping in their code for various reasons. We constructed an alternative, equally effective API, but did not have a reasonable deprecation path to the new API. Hence this removal is a breaking change.

We introduce the torch.distributions package to replace Stochastic functions.

Your previous code typically looked like this:

probs = policy_network(state)
action = probs.multinomial()
next_state, reward = env.step(action)

This is the new equivalent code:

probs = policy_network(state)
# NOTE: categorical is equivalent to what used to be called multinomial
m = torch.distributions.Categorical(probs)
action = m.sample()
next_state, reward = env.step(action)
loss = -m.log_prob(action) * reward

New features

Unreduced losses

Now, Some loss functions can compute per-sample losses in a mini-batch

An in-built Profiler in the autograd engine

We built a low-level profiler to help you identify bottlenecks in your models

Let us start with an example:

>>> x = Variable(torch.randn(1, 1), requires_grad=True)
>>> with torch.autograd.profiler.profile() as prof:
...     y = x ** 2
...     y.backward()
>>> # NOTE: some columns were removed for brevity
... print(prof)
--------------------------------  ----------  ---------
Name                               CPU time   CUDA time
-------------------------------   ----------  ---------
PowConstant                        142.036us    0.000us
N5torch8autograd9GraphRootE         63.524us    0.000us
PowConstantBackward                184.228us    0.000us
MulConstant                         50.288us    0.000us
PowConstant                         28.439us    0.000us
Mul                                 20.154us    0.000us
N5torch8autograd14AccumulateGradE   13.790us    0.000us
N5torch8autograd5CloneE              4.088us    0.000us

The profiler works for both CPU and CUDA models. For CUDA models, you have to run your python program with a special nvprof prefix. For example:

nvprof --profile-from-start off -o -- python <your arguments>

# in python
>>> with torch.cuda.profiler.profile():
...     model(x) # Warmup CUDA memory allocator and profiler
...     with torch.autograd.profiler.emit_nvtx():
...         model(x)

Then, you can load in PyTorch and print a summary profile report.

>>> prof = torch.autograd.profiler.load_nvprof('')
>>> print(prof)

Read additional documentation here

Higher order gradients

Added higher-order gradients support for the following layers


New layers and nn functionality

New Tensor functions and features

Other additions

API changes

Performance Improvements

Framework Interoperability

DLPack Interoperability

DLPack Tensors are cross-framework Tensor formats. We now have torch.utils.to_dlpack(x) and torch.utils.from_dlpack(x) to convert between DLPack and torch Tensor formats. The conversion has zero memory copy and hence is very efficient.

Model exporter to ONNX

ONNX is a common model interchange format that can be executed in Caffe2, CoreML, CNTK, MXNet, Tensorflow at the moment. PyTorch models that are ConvNet-like and RNN-like (static graphs) can now be shipped to the ONNX format.

Usability Improvements

Bug fixes







distributed and multi-gpu


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