


版本发布时间: 2022-12-29 07:25:45

zadam/trilium最新发布版本:v0.63.5(2024-03-28 14:20:17)

This is a beta release. The database will be migrated. Sync protocol has been updated which means all instances in sync cluster must be updated as well.

A flaw was revealed in previous beta which led to duplication of metadata in hidden subtree in sync setups. To correct this, new DB migrations and sync protocol increase had to be added

The main feature of this release is configurable left launchbar. You can open it in Main Menu -> Configure Launchbar. There you can drag & drop launchers between visible and available, create new launchers etc. To make this happen, a lot of foundational work has been done on the "hidden subtree" which will be leveraged in the future.

Other changes:

Script API changes

Frontend API's addButtonToToolbar() has been deprecated. The API still works - it creates a launcher, but it may be misplaced. The launcher order can be configured via GUI (Main Menu -> Configure Launchbar). The same place should be used to create new launchers.

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 trilium-linux-x64-0.58.2-beta.tar.xz 71.36MB

2、 trilium-linux-x64-server-0.58.2-beta.tar.xz 34.17MB

3、 100.66MB

4、 100.83MB

5、 trilium_0.58.2-beta_amd64.deb 71.38MB
