


版本发布时间: 2022-12-24 23:52:54

dani-garcia/vaultwarden最新发布版本:1.30.0(2023-11-06 07:08:08)

New features

Event logs for organizations

With this feature enabled, actions occurring inside an organization will be recorded in a log, viewable by organization admins and owners. Check the official documentation to learn more: (Note that the Public API is not yet implemented, so the events are only viewable in the Web Vault)

To enable this feature, set ORG_EVENTS_ENABLED=true. By default all events will be stored indefinitely, if you want to limit that, you can use the EVENTS_DAYS_RETAIN option. You can also tune the cleanup schedule with EVENT_CLEANUP_SCHEDULE.

Group support (beta)

Enables the creation and use of groups inside an organization. At the moment this is in beta because there are some known issues ( Still, the more this feature is tested, the faster we will be able to stabilize it.

To enable this feature, set ORG_GROUPS_ENABLED=true, make sure to make proper backups of your instance before hand.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

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