版本发布时间: 2022-12-21 20:12:16
Deci-AI/super-gradients最新发布版本:3.7.1(2024-04-09 00:50:10)
What's Changed
- Reorganisation README by @Shani-Perl in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/526
- Apply black formatting on pretrained model zoo by @BloodAxe in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/524
- Remove imports from factory.init by @Louis-Dupont in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/516
- Feature/sg 416 albumentations plugin for classification by @shaydeci in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/495
- Feature/sg 404 ssd reproduce by @BloodAxe in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/525
- Added indexing support for meshgrid by @BloodAxe in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/528
- Feature/al 441 ptq detection by @spsancti in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/527
- Add DDP doc by @Louis-Dupont in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/523
- SG-448- dataset_params and arch_params logging by @shaydeci in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/532
- Fix clearml comment by @Louis-Dupont in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/530
- Bug/sg 000 torch version fix by @shaydeci in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/535
- fix pplite-seg prep conversion by @lkdci in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/538
- SGLogger fix - add warning and multiprocess_safe system_monitoring by @Louis-Dupont in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/534
- Add self to recipes by @Louis-Dupont in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/539
- replace head for UNet module by @lkdci in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/543
- Rename gpu_mode to multi_gpu and setup_gpu_mode to setup_device by @Louis-Dupont in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/517
- Add version_base to hydra to remove warning by @Louis-Dupont in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/541
- Hotfix/sg 000 add data structure and link to cityscape desc by @Louis-Dupont in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/550
- add stringcase by @ofrimasad in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/553
- Hotfix/sg 000 add data structure to cityscape desc v2 by @Louis-Dupont in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/551
- Improve PascalVOC detection error msg by @Louis-Dupont in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/556
- Improve evaluate_from_recipe usability by @Louis-Dupont in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/558
- Feature/sg 458 support for any user dataloader using dataset registry by @shaydeci in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/547
- Features/sg 409 check all params used by @BloodAxe in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/546
- Split and rename the modules from super_gradients.common.environment by @Louis-Dupont in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/548
- Feature/sg 468 detection transform support for any number of channels by @shaydeci in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/559
- Feature/sg 518 update evaluate from recipe to add output by @Louis-Dupont in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/560
- error raised for torch version and formatting by @shaydeci in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/540
- Feature/sg 356 ddp silent mode and multi process safe docs by @shaydeci in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/563
- Apply black on some files by @Louis-Dupont in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/565
- Fix runtime warning of accessing non-contiguous tensor in mAP metric by @BloodAxe in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/566
- fix F1 Precision Recall to represent all the defined rage and not onl… by @ofrimasad in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/564
- Fix Multigpu.OFF factory by @Louis-Dupont in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/569
- Import AutoLoggerConfig and ConsoleSink separatly by @Louis-Dupont in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/567
- remove user guide from docs by @ofrimasad in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/570
- new generated docs by @ofrimasad in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/572
- update documentation by @ofrimasad in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/573
- Make ConvBNReLU a subclass of ConvBNAct to keep backward compatibililty by @BloodAxe in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/554
- Update README.md by @ofrimasad in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/575
- Apply black on losses by @Louis-Dupont in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/576
- Feature/sg 516 support head replacement for local pretrained weights unknown dataset by @shaydeci in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/578
- Fix bug of not respecting dilation argument in RepVGGBlock by @BloodAxe in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/555
- Feature/sg 431 check classes by @BloodAxe in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/531
- register unet cls module by @lkdci in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/580
- feature: Accept an arbitrary WandB ID by @yurkovak in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/582
- Bug/sg 512 shuffle bugfix in recipe datalaoders by @shaydeci in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/581
- Added import of quantized modules so they get registered by @spsancti in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/542
- Use unpack_batch_items on first batch (Respect additional batch items) by @BloodAxe in https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/pull/584
Full Changelog: https://github.com/Deci-AI/super-gradients/compare/3.0.3...3.0.4