


版本发布时间: 2022-12-09 18:20:13

graphql-python/graphene最新发布版本:v3.3.0(2023-07-26 14:47:55)

What's Changed

Support for custom global IDs in relay.Node

The global ID type of a Node can now be customized:

class CustomNode(Node):
    class Meta:
        global_id_type = CustomGlobalIDType

class User(ObjectType):
    class Meta:
        interfaces = [CustomNode]

    name = String()

    def get_node(cls, _type, _id):
        return self.users[_id]
Available Types

Currently, the following types are available:


To create a custom global type, BaseGlobalIDType must be extended:

class CustomGlobalIDType(BaseGlobalIDType):

    graphene_type = CustomScalar

    def resolve_global_id(cls, info, global_id):
        _type = custom_get_type_from_global_id(global_id)
        return _type, global_id

    def to_global_id(cls, _type, _id):
        return _id

graphene_type specifies the type of scalar to be used in the schema. Remember, that if you're using ID as a scalar, you might need to deserialize your custom global ID first!

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