


版本发布时间: 2022-11-10 14:26:20

redisson/redisson最新发布版本:redisson-3.29.0(2024-04-22 16:31:34)

Feature - Tomcat 10.1.x support
Feature - labels support for RTimeSeries object
Feature - compatibility with Spring Boot 3 (thanks @olivierboudet)
Feature - RxJava and Reactive interfaces for RLocalCachedMap object
Feature - local cache support for JsonBucket object

Improvement - StringCodec now implements JsonCodec

Fixed - RDoubleAdder and RLongAdder objects don't work with nameMapper
Fixed - RBlockingQueue methods should return null if negative timeout defined
Fixed - RLocalCachedMap.clearLocalCacheAsync() method shouldn't retain semaphore after invocation
Fixed - Spring Data Redis methods weren't implemented: zRandMember(), zRandMemberWithScore(), zPopMin(), bZPopMin(), zPopMax(), bZPopMax(), zMScore(), zDiff(), zDiffWithScores(), zDiffStore(), zInter(), zInterWithScores(), zUnion(), zUnionWithScores(), hRandField(), hRandFieldWithValues(), copy(), lMove(), bLMove(), lPop(), rPop(), sMIsMember(), getEx(), getDel()
Fixed - attempts to connect to the failed master after failover in cluster mode
Fixed - RMapCache MapEntryListener doesn't work with nameMapper
Fixed - RJsonBucket.getKeys() method doesn't use path parameter
Fixed - RRateLimiter.getConfig().getRate() throws NPE if it doesn't exist (thanks @Tanky-Zhang)
Fixed - RTransaction objects should be the same instances on each "get..." call
Fixed - RScheduledExecutorService cron triggers fire continuously for hours for some time zones (regression since 3.16.5)
Fixed - RSortedSet.add() throws NPE (thanks @yuwei)
Fixed - RKeysReactive.getKeysByPattern() method isn't giving all entries if downstream consumer is slow
Fixed - "Unable to unfreeze entry" errors in sentinel mode
Fixed - JsonBucket.compareAndSet() method with null as update value deletes whole object
Fixed - Redis Cluster topology scanned partially in case of DNS resolution error
Fixed - Slave nodes failed to pass complete initialization shouldn't be added as nodes
Fixed - ByteBuf leaks when one of multiple parameters can't be encoded
Fixed - SearchDomainUnknownHostException is thrown occasionally

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