


版本发布时间: 2022-10-22 03:12:07

microsoft/vcpkg最新发布版本:2024.04.26(2024-05-01 08:01:59)

vcpkg (2022.09.27 - 2022.10.18)

Total port count: 2053

Total port count per triplet (tested):

triplet ports available note
x86-windows 1850
x64-windows 1907
x64-windows-static 1810
x64-windows-static-md 1818 (build machine died, using value from 2 days earlier
x64-uwp 967
arm64-windows 1482
arm-uwp 921
x64-osx 1772
x64-linux 1850

The following documentation has been updated:

The following 25 ports have been added:
port version
at-spi2-atk 2.38.0
at-spi2-core 2.44.1
easyexif 2022-10-07
fastgltf 0.1.0
gtk3 3.24.34
hikogui 0.7.0
ignition-tools 1.5.0
ignition-utils1 1.4.0
im3d 2022-10-11
lemon-parser-generator 3.39.3
liblrc 1.0.0
libofx #27098 0.10.8
libxfont 2.0.5
libxft 2.3.4
lua-compat53 0.1
luabridge3 3.0-beta4
luv 1.44.2
mdl-sdk 2021.1.2
qt3d 6.3.2
rapidfuzz 1.8.0
spine-runtimes 4.1.0
vulkan-memory-allocator-hpp 3.0.1
wyhash 2022-10-12
xapian 1.4.21
zycore #27249 1.3.0
The following 132 ports have been updated:
  • angelscript 2.35.1#1 -> 2.36.0#0
    • [angelscript] update version to 2.36.0 (by @FrankXie05, in #27003)
  • angle chromium_4472#3 -> chromium_4472#5
    • [angle] update list of required apt packages (by @wrobelda, in #26815)
    • [Qt3D] add missing qt port (by @Neumann-A, in #26928)
  • azure-security-keyvault-certificates-cpp 4.0.0#0 -> 4.1.0#0
    • [Azure SDK Key Vault] Update to Oct Release Keys, Certificates and Secrets (by @azure-sdk, in #27186)
  • azure-security-keyvault-keys-cpp 4.2.0#0 -> 4.3.0#0
    • [Azure SDK Key Vault] Update to Oct Release Keys, Certificates and Secrets (by @azure-sdk, in #27186)
  • azure-security-keyvault-secrets-cpp 4.0.0#0 -> 4.1.0#0
    • [Azure SDK Key Vault] Update to Oct Release Keys, Certificates and Secrets (by @azure-sdk, in #27186)
  • azure-storage-blobs-cpp 12.6.1#0 -> 12.6.2#0
    • [Azure Storage] Update to October Release (by @azure-sdk, in #27175)
  • azure-storage-files-shares-cpp 12.2.1#0 -> 12.3.0#0
    • [Azure Storage] Update to October Release (by @azure-sdk, in #27175)
  • benchmark 1.6.1#0 -> 1.7.0#0
    • [benchmark] update to version 1.7.0 (by @barcharcraz, in #27124)
  • bext-ut 1.1.9#0 -> 1.1.9#1
    • [bext-ut] remove ut-1.1.9/include from header install path (by @luncliff, in #27051)
  • bitmagic 7.11.2#0 -> 7.12.3#0
    • [Bitmagic] Update to 7.12.3 (by @blavallee, in #27120)
  • bitserializer 0.44#1 -> 0.44#2
    • [bitserializer-rapidyaml] does work on arm osx (by @autoantwort, in #27068)
  • bitserializer-rapidyaml alias#2 -> alias#3
    • [bitserializer-rapidyaml] does work on arm osx (by @autoantwort, in #27068)
  • boost 1.80.0#0 -> 1.80.0#1
    • [boost-coroutine] works on arm (by @autoantwort, in #27091)
  • boost-asio 1.80.0#0 -> 1.80.0#1
    • [boost-coroutine] works on arm (by @autoantwort, in #27091)
  • boost-coroutine 1.80.0#0 -> 1.80.0#1
    • [boost-coroutine] works on arm (by @autoantwort, in #27091)
  • boost-fiber 1.80.0#0 -> 1.80.0#1
    • [boost-fiber] Enable x64-osx (by @dg0yt, in #26918)
  • boringssl 2021-06-23#2 -> 2021-06-23#3
    • [boringssl] Add pkg-config file so it still works with gRPC (by @rpavlik, in #27082)
  • bzip2 1.0.8#2 -> 1.0.8#3
    • [bzip2] add a "tool" feature to control the build of bzip2.exe (by @DHowett, in #26998)
  • c4core 0.1.9#0 -> 0.1.9#1
    • [bitserializer-rapidyaml] does work on arm osx (by @autoantwort, in #27068)
  • catch2 3.1.0#0 -> 3.1.0#1
    • [catch2] build static lib on WIN32 (by @FrankXie05, in #27021)
  • cgal 5.5#1 -> 5.5.1#0
    • [cgal] update to 5.5.1 (by @lrineau, in #27202)
  • chmlib 0.4#5 -> 0.4#6
    • [chmlib] support on arm (by @autoantwort, in #27064)
  • clblas 2.12#6 -> 2.12#7
    • [clblas] fix arm build (by @autoantwort, in #27092)
  • clfft 2.12.2#5 -> 2.12.2#6
    • [clfft] fix arm build (by @autoantwort, in #27093)
  • cmakerc 2021-08-27#0 -> 2021-08-27#1
    • [cmakerc] Add usage text. (by @BillyONeal, in #27109)
  • colmap 2022-03-14#0 -> 2022-03-14#1
    • [colmap] fix arm64-osx build (by @autoantwort, in #27095)
  • concurrencpp 0.1.4#1 -> 0.1.5#0
    • [concurrencpp] Update to 0.1.5 (by @chausner, in #26963)
  • configcat 0.1.0#0 -> 1.0.0#0
    • [configcat] Update to version 1.0.0 (by @kp-cat, in #27012)
  • coolprop 6.4.1#1 -> 6.4.1#2
    • [coolprop] use python3 (by @autoantwort, in #27094)
  • cpp-httplib 0.10.7#0 -> 0.11.2#0
    • [cpp-httplib] Update to v0.11.2 (#26957) (by @ebenali, in #26958)
  • cppwinrt 2.0.220418.1#0 -> 2.0.220929.3#0
    • [cppwinrt] Update port for 2.0.220929.3 release (by @walbourn, in #27057)
  • dbus 1.13.18#1 -> 1.13.18#2
    • [dbus] no absolute paths (by @autoantwort, in #27036)
  • directx-headers 1.606.3#0 -> 1.606.4#0
    • [directx-headers] Update port for 1.606.4 minor release (by @walbourn, in #27056)
  • discordcoreapi 2022-09-25#0 -> 2022-10-12#0
    • [DiscordCoreAPI] Updating to version 2022-10-12 (by @RealTimeChris, in #27205)
  • dpp 10.0.19#0 -> 10.0.20#0
    • [DPP] Bump to version 10.0.20 (by @braindigitalis, in #27044)
  • draco 1.5.2#0 -> 1.5.3#0
    • [draco] Update to 1.5.3 (by @Tradias, in #27145)
  • drogon 1.8.0#0 -> 1.8.1#0
    • [trantor] Update to 1.5.7 [drogon] Update to 1.8.1 (by @an-tao, in #26994)
  • dtl 1.19#1 -> 1.2#0
    • [DTL] Update DTL (Diff Template Library) to v1.20 (by @bobk2824, in #27221)
  • egl-registry 2021-11-23#0 -> 2021-11-23#1
    • [Qt3D] add missing qt port (by @Neumann-A, in #26928)
  • embree3 3.12.2#2 -> 3.12.2#3
    • [vcpkg baseline][embree3] Add supports field !arm (by @Cheney-W, in #27007)
  • expat 2.4.9#1 -> 2.4.9#1
    • [expat] Update to 2.4.9 (by @Osyotr, in #27059)
    • [expat] Fix static builds with mingw (by @Osyotr, in #27137)
  • ffmpeg 4.4.1#18 -> 4.4.1#20
    • [ffmpeg] srt support (by @fran6co, in #26679)
    • [ffmpeg] Set --disable-audiotoolbox when targeting iOS (by @fwcd, in #26978)
    • [FFmpeg] Fix build on ARM64 (by @carlo-bramini, in #27184)
  • flecs 2.4.8#0 -> 3.1.0#0
    • [flecs] Update to 3.1.0. (by @HexDecimal, in #27268)
  • fmt 9.0.0#0 -> 9.1.0#0
    • [fmt] Update to 9.1.0 (by @JackBoosY, in #27162)
  • folly 2022.08.15.00#0 -> 2022.08.15.00#1
    • [folly]: fix lib dependency (by @jiayuehua, in #25335)
  • gdal 3.5.2#0 -> 3.5.2#1
    • [gdal] ios compatibility (by @m-kuhn, in #27259)
  • geogram 1.7.6#2 -> 1.7.6#4
    • [geogram] Add arm64-windows support (by @nursik, in #26875)
    • [geogram] does not work on arm osx (by @autoantwort, in #27065)
  • glib 2.72.3#3 -> 2.74.0#0
    • [glib]: bump version to 2.74.0 (by @hesham-essam, in #26949)
  • glog 0.6.0#0 -> 0.6.0#1
    • [glog] Add feature WITH_CUSTOM_PREFIX (by @Adela0814, in #27215)
  • google-cloud-cpp 2.2.0#1 -> 2.2.0#1
    • [google-cloud-cpp] fix feature dependencies (by @coryan, in #27001)
    • [google-cloud-cpp] update to latest release (v2.3.0) (by @coryan, in #27060)
  • gst-rtsp-server 1.19.2#1 -> 1.19.2#2
    • [gstreamer] enable builds on more platforms (by @Neumann-A, in #27050)
  • gstreamer 1.19.2#8 -> 1.19.2#9
    • [gstreamer] enable builds on more platforms (by @Neumann-A, in #27050)
  • gtl 1.1.2#0 -> 1.1.5#0
    • [gtl] Bump version to 1.1.5 (by @greg7mdp, in #27062)
  • guile 3.0.8#0 -> 3.0.8#1
    • [guile] no absolute paths (by @autoantwort, in #27033)
  • halide 14.0.0#0 -> 14.0.0#1
    • [halide] No vendored wasm (by @Thomas1664, in #26968)
  • hpx 1.8.0#1 -> 1.8.0#2
    • [hpx] no absolute paths (by @autoantwort, in #27035)
  • itk 5.2.1#1 -> 5.2.1#2
    • [ITK] Fix ITK linker error on usage (by @Ace314159, in #27187)
  • jxrlib 2019.10.9#4 -> 2019.10.9#5
    • [jxrlib] Fix mingw build (by @dg0yt, in #27042)
  • lcm 1.4.0#4 -> 1.4.0#5
    • [glib]: bump version to 2.74.0 (by @hesham-essam, in #26949)
  • libevent 2.1.12#6 -> 2.1.12#7
    • [libevent] Fix android build (by @rpavlik, in #27083)
  • libharu 2.4.0-rc1#0 -> 2.4.2#0
    • [libharu,wt] Update libharu to 2.4.2 and Wt to 4.8.1 (by @RockinRoel, in #26945)
  • libical 3.0.11#1 -> 3.0.15#0
    • [libical] update to 3.0.15 (by @MonicaLiu0311, in #27151)
  • liblsquic 3.1.1#0 -> 3.1.1#1
    • [liblsquic] Remove spurious duplicated install line. (by @rpavlik, in #27088)
  • libmariadb 3.3.1#1 -> 3.3.1#2
    • [libmariadb] add zstd to option list (by @kotori2, in #26931)
  • libmount 2.38#0 -> 2.38#1
    • [glib]: bump version to 2.74.0 (by @hesham-essam, in #26949)
  • libpq 14.4#1 -> 14.4#2
    • [libpq] Fix osx-dynamic (by @dg0yt, in #27103)
  • libpqxx 7.7.3#0 -> 7.7.3#1
    • [libpqxx] Don't use default features for libpq (by @grigorig, in #27232)
  • libudis86 2018-01-28-56ff6c87#2 -> 2018-01-28#3
    • [libudis86] use python3 (by @autoantwort, in #27077)
  • libui 2018-11-03#2 -> 2018-11-03#3
    • [libui] Revise platform support (by @dg0yt, in #27141)
  • luajit 2022-08-11#1 -> 2022-08-11#2
    • [luajit] Install .pc file for windows (by @DarthGandalf, in #26971)
  • mdspan 2021-11-03#0 -> 0.4.0#0
    • [mdspan] update to 0.4.0 (by @chausner, in #27085)
  • mfl 0.0.1#0 -> 0.0.1#1
    • [mfl] Fix supports for building on normal triplets (by @Thomas1664, in #26951)
  • mimalloc 2.0.6#0 -> 2.0.6#1
    • [mimalloc] build for ARM Linux, Mac (by @csw, in #27041)
  • mozjpeg 2021-09-27#0 -> 4.1.1#0
    • [mozjpeg] update to v4.1.1 (by @MonicaLiu0311, in #27274)
  • mp3lame 3.100#8 -> 3.100#9
    • [mp3lame] allow universal macos builds (by @dyfer, in #27171)
  • nghttp2 1.49.0#0 -> 1.50.0#0
    • [nghttp2] update to 1.50.0 (by @alagoutte, in #26988)
  • nghttp3 0.7.0#1 -> 0.7.1#0
    • [nghttp3] update to 0.7.1 (by @alagoutte, in #26989)
  • nmap 7.70#5 -> 7.70#6
    • [nmap] Fix usage text; nmap is not curl. (by @BillyONeal, in #27110)
  • nrf-ble-driver 4.1.2#2 -> 4.1.4#0
    • [nrf-ble-driver] update and fix arm64-osx (by @autoantwort, in #27116)
  • nuspell 5.1.1#0 -> 5.1.2#0
    • [nuspell] Update port to v5.1.2 (by @dimztimz, in #27037)
  • nvtt 2.1.2#5 -> 2.1.2#6
    • [nvtt] Clean up baseline, add supports field instead (by @JackBoosY, in #27048)
  • ogre 13.4.4#10 -> 13.4.4#1
    • [ogre] Update to 13.4.4 (by @dg0yt, in #27107)
    • [ogre] Feature/dependency control fixes (by @dg0yt, in #27239)
  • openssl 3.0.5#4 -> 3.0.5#5
    • [ffmpeg] srt support (by @fran6co, in #26679)
  • opensubdiv 3.4.3#4 -> 3.4.3#5
    • [opensubdiv] Upgrade to 3.4.4 (by @Danielmelody, in #26628)
    • [opensubdiv] Add feature opengl (by @LilyWangLL, in #26940)
  • opentelemetry-cpp 1.5.0#1 -> 1.6.0#0
    • [opentelemetry-cpp] Update to 1.6.0 and fix abseil[cxx17] (by @Tradias, in #26857)
  • osg 3.6.5#17 -> 3.6.5#18
    • [osg] Fix plugin installation and target locations (by @cbrl, in #26214)
  • osgearth 3.3#2 -> 3.3#3
    • [osgearth] Plugin installation fixes (by @cbrl, in #27156)
  • pango 1.50.9#0 -> 1.50.11#0
    • [pango] Update to 1.50.11 (by @SchaichAlonso, in #27127)
  • parallel-hashmap 1.34#0 -> 1.3.8#0
    • [parallel-hashmap] Update to version 1.36 (by @greg7mdp, in #26932)
    • [parallel-hashmap] Bump version to 1.3.8 (by @greg7mdp, in #27061)
  • physfs 3.0.2#7 -> 3.2.0#0
    • [physfs] Update to 3.2.0 (by @past-due, in #27108)
  • pngpp 0.2.10#0 -> 0.2.10#1
    • [pngpp] Fix strerror_r not found error on windows (by @sidy3d, in #27079)
  • portmidi 2.0.2#1 -> 2.0.4#0
    • [portmidi] Update to 2.0.4 (by @JoergAtGithub, in #27166)
  • protobuf 3.21.6#0 -> 3.21.6#1
    • [protobuf] Teach about crosscompile (by @rpavlik, in #27089)
  • proxy 1.0.1#0 -> 1.1.1#0
    • [proxy] update to version 1.1.1 (by @misirlou-tg, in #27014)
  • python3 3.10.5#2 -> 3.10.5#4
    • [python3] build python3.dll for stable ABI usage (by @sssooonnnggg, in #26935)
    • [python3] Fix compilation of built-in modules on older versions of GCC (by @chrismile, in #27201)
  • qt 6.3.2#0 -> 6.3.2#1
    • [Qt3D] add missing qt port (by @Neumann-A, in #26928)
  • qtbase 6.3.2#0 -> 6.3.2#1
    • [Qt3D] add missing qt port (by @Neumann-A, in #26928)
  • qtinterfaceframework 6.3.2#0 -> 6.3.2#1
    • [Qt3D] add missing qt port (by @Neumann-A, in #26928)
  • qtmultimedia 6.3.2#0 -> 6.3.2#1
    • [Qt3D] add missing qt port (by @Neumann-A, in #26928)
  • qtwebengine 6.3.2#0 -> 6.3.2#1
    • [Qt3D] add missing qt port (by @Neumann-A, in #26928)
  • quickfix 1.15.1#7 -> 1.15.1#8
    • [quickfix] does not supports arm64-osx (by @autoantwort, in #27069)
  • quill 2.1.0#0 -> 2.2.0#0
    • [quill] Update to 2.2.0 (by @RT222, in #27254)
  • rioki-glow 0.2.0#0 -> 0.2.1#0
    • [rioki-glow] Update glow 0.2.1 (by @rioki, in #27123)
  • roaring 0.7.1#0 -> 0.7.1#1
    • [roaring] no absolute paths (by @autoantwort, in #27034)
  • rxcpp 4.1.1#0 -> 4.1.1#1
    • [rxcpp] disable tests (by @autoantwort, in #27075)
  • s2geometry 0.9.0#1 -> 0.10.0#0
    • [s2geometry] update version to 0.10.0 (by @autoantwort, in #27072)
  • sail 0.9.0-rc1#0 -> 0.9.0-rc1#1
    • [sail] Add features (by @HappySeaFox, in #27169)
  • sdformat10 10.0.0#2 -> 10.0.0#3
    • [sdformat10] no osx arm (by @autoantwort, in #27101)
  • sdformat9 9.8.0#0 -> 9.8.0#1
    • [sdformat9] no osx arm (by @autoantwort, in #27102)
  • sdl2 2.24.0#0 -> 2.24.1#0
    • [sdl2] update to 2.24.1 (by @quyykk, in #27168)
  • sdl2-mixer 2.6.1#1 -> 2.6.1#2
    • [sdl2-mixer] Fix building on Android by not building samples (by @vividos, in #27182)
  • selene 0.3.1#5 -> 0.3.1#6
    • [selene] fix arm64-osx (by @autoantwort, in #27071)
  • sentry-native 0.5.0#0 -> 0.5.1#0
    • [sentry-native] Update to 0.5.1 (by @AenBleidd, in #27276)
  • serdepp 0.1.4#0 ->
    • [serdepp] update port (by @autoantwort, in #27073)
  • simdjson 2.2.2#0 -> 3.0.0#0
    • [simdjson] update to 3.0.0 (by @JonLiu1993, in #27148)
  • tfhe 1.0.1#3 -> 1.0.1#4
    • [tfhe] does not supports arm64 (by @autoantwort, in #27070)
  • tgui 2021-04-19#4 -> 0.9.5#0
    • [tgui] update port (by @autoantwort, in #27063)
  • trantor 1.5.6#0 -> 1.5.7#0
    • [trantor] Update to 1.5.7 [drogon] Update to 1.8.1 (by @an-tao, in #26994)
  • ttauri 0.5.0#1 -> 0.5.0#2
    • [hikogui] update to version 0.7.0 (by @takev, in #27134)
  • usd 20.08#3 -> 20.08#4
    • [usd] does not work on arm64 (by @autoantwort, in #27100)
  • vcpkg-cmake 2022-08-18#0 -> 2022-09-13#0
    • [vcpkg scripts] Crosscompiling fixes (by @Neumann-A, in #26617)
    • [vcpkg] GENERATOR with Makefiles can build parallel (by @day253, in #26780)
  • vcpkg-cmake-get-vars 2022-05-10#1 -> 2022-09-04#0
    • [vcpkg scripts] Crosscompiling fixes (by @Neumann-A, in #26617)
  • vlpp ->
    • [vlpp] Fix configure issues, export unofficial target (by @JackBoosY, in #26887)
  • vtk 9.0.3-pv5.9.1#11 -> 9.0.3-pv5.9.1#12
    • [libharu,wt] Update libharu to 2.4.2 and Wt to 4.8.1 (by @RockinRoel, in #26945)
  • wil 2021-12-25#0 -> 2022-09-23#0
    • [wil] Update to v1.0.220914.1 (by @CookiePLMonster, in #27185)
  • wt 4.7.1#0 -> 4.8.1#0
    • [libharu,wt] Update libharu to 2.4.2 and Wt to 4.8.1 (by @RockinRoel, in #26945)
  • wxwidgets 3.2.1#0 -> 3.2.1#1
    • [wxwidgets] Use vcpkg gtk3 for linux et al., fix mingw cross builds (by @dg0yt, in #27087)
  • x264 0.164.3095#1 -> 0.164.3095#2
    • [gstreamer] enable builds on more platforms (by @Neumann-A, in #27050)
  • xeus 0.24.3#1 -> 0.24.3#2
    • [xeus] fix arm64-osx build (by @autoantwort, in #27097)
  • zpp-bits 4.4.4#0 -> 4.4.12#0
    • [zpp-bits] Update to 4.4.12 (by @RT222, in #27251)
  • zydis 3.2.1#0 -> 3.2.1#1
    • [vcpkg baseline][zydis, zycore] Fix file conflicts (by @Thomas1664, in #27249)
  • zziplib 0.13.72#1 -> 0.13.72#3
    • [zziplib] Fix exported interface include dirs (by @dg0yt, in #26980)
    • [zziplib] fix build for Android triplets running on Windows host (by @vividos, in #27238)
The following additional changes have been made to vcpkg's infrastructure:
  • [vcpkg script] vcpkg_configure_meson: Support wasm32-emscripten triplet (by @past-due, in #26317)
  • [scripts] fixes for armv7l host builds (by @vserdyuk, in #26510)
  • [vcpkg scripts] Crosscompiling fixes (by @Neumann-A, in #26617)
  • [ffmpeg] srt support (by @fran6co, in #26679)
  • [vcpkg] GENERATOR with Makefiles can build parallel (by @day253, in #26780)
  • Default to arm64 target on arm64 hosts with VS2019 or above (by @playmer, in #26878)
  • [boost-fiber] Enable x64-osx (by @dg0yt, in #26918)
  • [wxwidgets] Use vcpkg gtk3 for linux et al., fix mingw cross builds (by @dg0yt, in #27087)
  • [boost-coroutine] works on arm (by @autoantwort, in #27091)
  • [scripts|world rebuild] Retry 'make install' in non-parallel mode (by @dg0yt, in #27105)
  • [scripts] add policy VCPKG_POLICY_SKIP_ABSOLUTE_PATHS_CHECK (by @autoantwort, in #27128)
  • [Docs] Vcpkg via FetchContent (by @jpr42, in #27158)
  • [vcpkg script] Find Python interpreter to used for scripts/buildsystems/osx/ (by @gladhorn, in #27179)
  • Update vcpkg-tool to 2022-10-12. (by @BillyONeal, in #27209)
  • VM Update October 2022 (by @BillyONeal, in #27212)
  • [android] Add --host flags to triplets (by @m-kuhn, in #27246)
  • [vcpkg tool] Update vcpkg-tool to hotfix 2022-10-17. (by @BillyONeal, in #27286)

New Contributors

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