版本发布时间: 2022-10-13 15:24:32
element-plus/element-plus最新发布版本:2.9.1(2024-12-13 18:19:03)
Components [select] Simplified API (#9994 by @chenxch)
Components [rate] add clearable attribute (#10031 by @HeftyKoo)
Export type TableInstance TableColumnInstance (#10021 by @yangliguo7)
Bug fixes
Components [color-picker] expose color (#9797 by @sxzz)
Components [tabs] tabs order
Components [checkbox] fix injection warn (#9813 by @holazz)
Components [color-picker] correct event validation (#9814 by @holazz)
Components [date-picker] remove extra prop in unit test (#9822 by @holazz)
Components [popper] perfect role types (#9823 by @holazz)
Components [select-v2] pressing the up key may cause errors (#9818 by @tolking)
Components [select-v2] improve placeholder display (#9835 by @holazz)
Components [affix] fix affix when scroll container is not window (#9660 by @LiZhequ)
Components [calendar] show wrong weekday when set weekStart (#9824 by @init-qy)
Components [input-number] correct input event behavior (#9850 by @holazz)
Components [dialog] fix document click event invalid (#6711 by @gjfei)
Theme-chalk [drawer] close btn align style (#9875 by @YunYouJun)
Components [steps] step line style (#9865 by @gjfei)
Components [tree] tree node click parameter (#9872 by @gjfei)
Components [select] excute filter/remoteMethod when blur (#9587 by @Circkoooooo)
Components [radio] fix type error (#9879 by @Tsong-LC)
Theme-chalk [table] remove redundant border styles (#9839 by @tolking)
Components [slider] fix type error (#9886 by @ryuhangyeong)
Components [result] fix type error (#9887 by @ryuhangyeong)
Components [backtop] fix a display bug (#9892 by @fwr220807)
Components [progress] fix type error (#9894 by @ryuhangyeong)
Components [time-select] fix type error (#9884 by @Tsong-LC)
Components [pagination] fix type error (#9893 by @ryuhangyeong)
Components [descriptions] fix type error (#9899 by @Tsong-LC)
Components [tabs] correct the position of tab-bar when scaling (#9896 by @holazz)
Locale added missing strings for Hebrew (#9871 by @yeya)
Components [form] no margin when there is no label (#9940 by @iDestin)
type error (#9946 by @BTBMan) -
Components [select-v2] Test file code misspelled (#9978 by @wizardAEI)
Components [select] click label only focus in form (#9798 by @chenxch)
Components [carousel] improper active item (#8904 by @makedopamine)
Components [input] memory leak (#9965 by @chenxch)
Components [tabs] arrow icon centered horizontally (#9989 by @btea)
Components [el-form] adjust the warn about label (#9889 by @btea)
Components [select-v2] dynamic update popper (#9888 by @btea)
Components [tabs] prevent scroll tab into view after focusing it (#9990 by @makedopamine)
Components [table] wrong hover style in nested tables (#9932 by @init-qy)
Build fix Window build locale (#9995 by @frank201113)
Components [form-item] do not validate without
property (#9993 by @btea) -
Components [dropdown] button group style missing (#10029 by @chenxch)
Locale update estonian translations (#10004 by @vinksz)
Components the label causes the click event to trigger twice (#9991 by @iDestin)
Components [tooltip] update popper after content change (#10044 by @btea)
Components [cascader] placeholder disappear when resetForm (#10036 by @Tsong-LC)
Components [tabs] fix typo of PaneName (#10006 by @THUzxj)
Components [time-picker] fix popup not showing (#9941 by @Giwayume)
Components [loading] use JSX in Unit test (#9772 by @Tsong-LC)
Components [checkbox] refactor (#9594 by @MonsterPi13)
Components [color-picker] switch to script-setup syntax (#9672 by @weidehai)
Components switch to vue macros (#9306 by @sxzz)
Components [loading] change
default value (#9769 by @tolking) -
Components [tree-select] use JSX in Unit test (#9786 by @Tsong-LC)
Components [upload] use JSX in Unit test (#9811 by @ryuhangyeong)
Components [tooltip] switch to script-setup syntax (#9685 by @SnowingFox)
Directives [repeat-click] refactor (#9853 by @sxzz)
Components [calendar] use self-closing element (#9854 by @Tsong-LC)
Components [popper] fix type error (#8529 by @holazz)
Components [popper] use JSX in Unit test (#8462 by @holazz)
Docs filter bot in contributors list (#9967 by @btea)
Perf(components): [tabs] improve order performance
Build optimize the conversion of attributes in documents (#9970 by @tolking)