


版本发布时间: 2022-10-10 08:57:56

dbeaver/dbeaver最新发布版本:24.0.3(2024-04-22 01:00:19)

            - Data editor:
                - "Hide all empty columns" action was added
                - References panel now has a button to open target table
                - Ordering by multiple columns was fixed
                - Filtering by spatial columns was fixed
                - URL transformer was fixed (original value edit is now supported)
                - LOB editor opening performance was significantly improved
                - SQL terminal now shows server output log
                - Column comments are now visible in record mode
                - Complex data types visualization was fixed for record mode
            - Data transfer: bug in CSV export with custom header format was fixed
            - SQL editor:
                - Problem with NULL column names in custom queries was fixed
            - Database drivers:
                - Problem with driver jars re-download was fixed
                - It is now possible to disable Windows certificate storage usage
            - Athena: driver version updated to 2.0.30
            - Clickhouse: datetime64 data type support was added
            - DB2: driver version was updated to 11.5.7
            - Exasol: user list read read was fixed (thanks to @allipatev)
            - Greenplum: prepared statements usage was disabled
            - MySQL:
                - Default database client was changed onto version 8+
                - JSON columns now can be used in filters and as keys
            - Oracle: schema full DDL was added
            - PostgreSQL:
                - Problem with missing primary key in new tables was fixed
                - Table DDL for partitioned tables was fixed
                - Role comments are now visible/editable
            - German localization was improved (thanks to @dan-schneider)

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 dbeaver-ce-22.2.2-linux.gtk.aarch64-nojdk.tar.gz 70.75MB

2、 dbeaver-ce-22.2.2-linux.gtk.x86_64-nojdk.tar.gz 70.81MB

3、 dbeaver-ce-22.2.2-linux.gtk.x86_64.tar.gz 106.41MB

4、 dbeaver-ce-22.2.2-macos-aarch64.dmg 104.54MB

5、 dbeaver-ce-22.2.2-macos-x86_64.dmg 103.91MB

6、 dbeaver-ce-22.2.2-macosx.cocoa.aarch64.tar.gz 103.91MB

7、 dbeaver-ce-22.2.2-macosx.cocoa.x86_64.tar.gz 103.23MB

8、 dbeaver-ce-22.2.2-stable.x86_64.rpm 106.49MB

9、 104.39MB

10、 dbeaver-ce-22.2.2-x86_64-setup.exe 102.01MB

11、 dbeaver-ce_22.2.2_amd64.deb 106.46MB
