版本发布时间: 2022-09-23 10:42:15
developeranaz/qbittorrent-to-rclone-heroku最新发布版本:v1.0.11(2022-09-23 10:42:15)
added anti-ban
- Heroku Free Dyno is no longer available after November 28, 2022. Use the maximum dyno hours and bandwidth.
- I don't mean that this repository is completely free from the ban in deploying to Heroku (not tested enough)
- For more runtime use website-pinger or any external pingers like heroku kaffene or uptimerobot.
Whats new
Rclone uploads removed .
- Rclone uploads replaced with a new download page.
- If you want to upload to any of your rclone remotes, reupload your qbittorrent files using any other bots or transloaders or by using google colab.
- Why my downloads are slow --> because of ping between your ISP and heroku.
- How to increase download speed --> Use transloaders or google colab to reupload and then download to your device, yes speed between a server and
qbittorrent heroku
is enough (tested almost avg speed 150+ mb/s).