


版本发布时间: 2022-09-16 19:47:28

ACINQ/phoenix最新发布版本:ios-v2.2.2(2024-04-10 22:15:51)

Fix compatibility issue with LND 0.15.1-beta

The legacy Phoenix app on android used bit 50 for the trampoline feature bit, which has since been reused for zeroconf with a dependency on scid_alias. The legacy app now uses bit 148 instead. This fixes an issue that prevented the android app from receiving payment sent from LND 0.15.1-beta

Verifying signatures

You will need gpg and our release signing key E434ED292E85643A. Note that you can get it:

To import our signing key:

$ gpg --import padioupm.asc

To verify the release file checksums and signatures:

$ gpg -d SHA256SUMS.asc > SHA256SUMS.stripped
$ sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS.stripped

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 phoenix-38-1.4.23-mainnet.apk 34.84MB

2、 SHA256SUMS.asc 997B
