版本发布时间: 2022-09-16 19:24:36
matanki-saito/EU4dll最新发布版本:90(2024-10-18 20:43:55)
new dll release!
9/16 Work arroud As a result of changing the ToolVersion of Version.dll from 142 to 143, Version.dll is now marked as malware by Windows Defender. Temporarily change the binary and see what happens.
9/19 It was marked as malware again. Ref: https://github.com/matanki-saito/EU4dll/issues/234
9/20 I submitted Version.dll to Microsoft and applied for exclusion. As a result, they were able to get rid of the malware. Windows Defender will no longer detect malware!
1、 steam_EU4_fixdll_build_56.zip 518.04KB