


版本发布时间: 2022-09-14 02:56:52

airbytehq/airbyte最新发布版本:v0.58.0(2024-04-26 09:10:53)

a0772b58d0 Bmoric/fix diff (#16513) 647f0759bc Remove PMD warning and fix a code style (#16454) 022b8db345 Destination: BigQuery (denormalized typed struct) - Could not evaluate union, field is expected to be one of these: NULL, STRING. (#16401) 8a126e6329 Kustomize: adding missing WORKSPACE_ROOT env to avoid crashloop (#16630) 59dd5e768a fix compilation error with cursor type method (#16635) ce64e96d71 Source:Kafka - Avro format message support (#15827) 3dfe362406 update acceptance tests to use new connection scheduling format (#16167) 7934eed363 Source Hubspot: remove FeedbackSubmissions stream (#16632) ff29da4fd1 🪟 🧹 Clean up modal and onboarding video components (#16466) faa064050f 🪟 🎨 Minor design updates (#16363) 11925f9399 Upgrade React Select (#16027) 22b30ecff2 fix: airbyte-webapp/package.json & airbyte-webapp/package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities (#16100) 1c2a8512eb fix: proplerly render extraContainers (#16474) 5edc575333 🎉 Source mixpanel: Improved connector's input configuration validation (#16570) 5a3b6d82b6 CDK: make TypeTransformer more robust to incorrect incoming records (#16544) 43076ee3ce improve error message for tables with invalid columns as cursor (#15317) 123971acd3 Store protocol version from the seeds (#16609) a15288ad0f Improve job list API with more fetching capabilities (#16415) 50a8d03c4c Cleans and Rebase Error Message Factory PR (#16202) dcfcb75d0f AirbyteLogMessage.stack_trace for logging messages with related (non-fatal) errors (#16479) 6f2fcff85c fix changelog formatting (#16618) 20468c8788 amazon-ads to GA (#15358) 6253406de9 forgot to also emit dictionary instead of empty lists when state not specified (#16569) 98cc312bc4 fix: airbyte-webapp/package.json & airbyte-webapp/package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities (#15048) 18d3e5c68c Bump async from 3.2.0 to 3.2.4 in /airbyte-webapp-e2e-tests (#13821)


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  2. Double check that the Create Release action was triggered and ran successfully on the commit to master (this should only take a few seconds).
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