


版本发布时间: 2022-09-07 21:17:43

nocodb/nocodb最新发布版本:0.207.0(2024-05-06 17:01:11)

🚀 NocoDB Release : Frontend is TypeScript & Vue3 🚀


What's New

New UI Layout

We've rewritten the whole frontend code. Here's some screenshots.



image image

Typescript Migration

We've migrated existing JavaScript frontend code to Typescript. A typed frontend helps in better comprehension of our large codebase, and it comes handy as we plan to grow the team.

Framework Migration

We've migrated from Vue2 to Vue3 in which we utilise composition API for better logic reuse and more flexible code organisation. Since we are switching to Vue3, we've also migrated from Nuxt2 to Nuxt3, which is Vue3 based and it brings general optimisations and improvements.

Windi CSS

We've chosen Windi CSS as our CSS utility tool, which is able to provide faster load times and a speedy HMR in development.

Closed Issues

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

Join Our Team

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 Noco-linux-arm64 121.35MB

2、 Noco-linux-x64 122.54MB

3、 Noco-macos-arm64 123.38MB

4、 Noco-macos-x64 129.01MB

5、 Noco-win-arm64.exe 106.23MB

6、 Noco-win-x64.exe 115.16MB

7、 nocodb.tar.gz 94.89MB
