版本发布时间: 2022-08-19 19:40:00
element-plus/element-plus最新发布版本:2.9.1(2024-12-13 18:19:03)
- Components [pagination] btns icon can be customized Vuecomponent (#9372 by @Tsong-LC)
Bug fixes
Components use namespace (#9299 by @holazz)
Deps update dependency eslint-plugin-markdown to v3 (#9139 by @renovate[bot])
Deps update dependency @vueuse/core to v9 (#9138 by @renovate[bot])
Deps update dependency eslint-plugin-unicorn to v43 (#8610 by @renovate[bot])
Components [dialog] should emit open event after nextTick (#9209 by @buqiyuan)
Theme-chalk [select] text overflow shows ellipsis (#9305 by @holazz)
Components [docs] menu example code menu name error (#9355 by @feiyuOL)
Components [tree] calc parentNode state after doCreateChildren (#9362 by @Tsong-LC)
Components [switch] fix type error (#9171 by @Tsong-LC)
Components [select] option value is object (#9287 by @chenxch)
Components [cascader] placeholder disappeared after clear value (#9190 by @sechi747)
Components [menu] resize event infinite invoke (#9342 by @holazz)
Perf: RTLOffsetType compare (#9320 by @alwynou)
Style(theme-chalk): fix input (#9178 by @daonatural)
- Components [table] fix typo (#9338 by @Tsong-LC)