


版本发布时间: 2022-08-08 17:40:18

alibaba/nacos最新发布版本:2.3.2(2024-04-03 14:29:50)

This version mainly upgrade the spring boot version to 2.6.6 to fix some spring's security problem, and apply many enhancements from 2.X.

Details see following:


[#5344] Reset raft cluster ops for no leader by JRaft Api. [#5884][#7810] Add the permission for history config. [#7284] Enhance print exception details. [#7799] Enhance console exception handler. [#7802] Enhance thread pool manager. [#7801] Enhance connection release timeout between server. [#7803] Apply some Jraft Enhancement from 2.X. [#7925] Client stops the UpdateTask after a service is unsubscribed. [#8072] Reduce memory cost in DistroProtocol initialization to avoid OutOfMemoryError. [#8144] Add volatile modifier to NamingProxy.serversFromEndpoint. [#8203] Fix the concurrency problem about the iterator of ServerListManager. [#8434] Enhance DistroConsistencyServiceImpl listen/unListen.


[#6198][#7809] Fix StringUtils.join throw NullPointerException. [#6273] Fix loop leave server. [#7141][#7804] Fix the problem of the operator column being empty while configuring adding and deleting records. [#7750][#7869] Fix bug in permissions management module, such as redundant 'nacos,' when change password. [#7757][#7761] Fix jraft request parse failed problem. [#7807] Fix yaml parse concurrent problem. [#7836] Fix nacos-client can't parse localhost problem. [#8012] Fix NPE in DistroConsistencyServiceImpl.Notifier. [#8283] Fix thread safety problem when concurrently registering with the same cluster. [#8428] Fix naming subscribe bug when multiple NamingService . [#8539] Fix prometheus api error.


[#7813] Upgrade log4j2 to 2.17.1. [#7813] Upgrade logback to 1.2.9. [#7813] Upgrade Jraft to 1.3.9. [#8421] Remove commonOkHttp dependency. [#8169] Upgrade spring-boot version to 2.6.6.

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 nacos-server-1.4.4.tar.gz 96.37MB

2、 96.38MB
