版本发布时间: 2017-08-12 09:33:10
microsoft/WinAppDriver最新发布版本:v1.2.99(2021-07-01 08:02:16)
This is a release candidate for v1.0 which will be the first release without the Beta tag
Add support for launching application with arguments for both modern and classic apps Capabilities.SetCapability("appArguments", "about:blank");
Add support to start classic application on a given working directory Capabilities.SetCapability("appWorkingDir", @"C:\Temp");
Implement mechanism to attach to an existing top level window to create a session Capabilities.SetCapability("appTopLevelWindow", "0xBB880A");
Added /forcequit command line parameter that forcefully terminates processes that refused to close on session closing WinAppDriver.exe 4723 /forcequit
- Restrict window switching API endpoint to only accept top level window of the same process
- Enhance GET /session/:sessionId/element/:id/attribute/:name to return arbitrary value of named properties
- Optimize app launch and get window handles mechanism to achieve sub second performance
- Optimize element search and application launch by using BreadthFirstSearch instead of DepthFirstSearch
- Set the retry count to be once every 500 ms within the given implicit timeout
- Update WinAppDriver.exe to close every active session on WinAppDriver.exe termination
- Disable getting selected text feature by always returning full text on Text API endpoint
- Enhance GET /session/:sessionId/element/:id/text API to get current selected item of container controls such as ComboBox and ListView
1、 WindowsApplicationDriver.msi 3.43MB