


版本发布时间: 2022-07-26 14:46:51

redisson/redisson最新发布版本:redisson-3.35.0(2024-08-22 17:53:49)

Feature - touch(), unlink() and delete() methods implemented for transactional RSetCache and RSet objects
Feature - transactional RBucket, RMap, RMapCache, RSetCache, RSet objects support expire(), expireAt() and clearExpire() methods
Feature - ExecutorOptions.idGenerator() setting added
Feature - methods with task id added to RExecutorService interface

Fixed - duplicate subscriptions with RedisMessageListenerContainer in Spring Data Redis 2.7
Fixed - NameMapper applied twice to transactional RBucket
Fixed - some Quarkus environment variables clear all Redisson properties set through config file
Fixed - RJsonBucket.delete() method doesn't work
Fixed - RExecutorService.submitAsync(Callable, long, TimeUnit) method throws ClassCastException (thanks @xyqshi) Fixed - Lock synced slaves check
Fixed - reactive scripting commands throw ClassCastException if result is list of list
Fixed - RBatch.getJsonBucket() method should return RJsonBucketAsync interface

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