版本发布时间: 2022-07-19 19:16:57
nebuly-ai/optimate最新发布版本:chatllama0.0.4(2023-03-27 21:47:20)
nebullvm 0.3.2 Release Notes
Minor release for maintenance purposes. It fixes bugs and generally improves the code stability.
New Features
- In the Pytorch framework, whenever input data is provided for optimization, the model converter also uses it during the conversion of the model to onnx, instead of using the data only at the stage of applying the "precision reduction techniques."
Bug fixed
- Fix bug with OpenVino 2.0 not working with 1-dimensional arrays.
- Fix bug while using TensorRT engine which was returning cpu-tensors also when input tensors where on GPU.
- Fix requirements conflicts on Intel CPUs due to an old numpy version required by OpenVino.
- Diego Fiori (@morgoth95)
- Valerio Sofi (@valeriosofi)
- SolomidHero (@SolomidHero)
- Emile Courthoud (@emilecourthoud)