


版本发布时间: 2022-06-22 05:19:05

tektoncd/pipeline最新发布版本:v0.63.0(2024-08-31 02:58:24)

🎉 TaskRun Matrices, Indexing of Array Results and many fixes and improvements! 🎉

-Docs @ v0.37.0 -Examples @ v0.37.0

Installation one-liner

kubectl apply -f


The Rekor UUID for this release is c0d23d6ad406973f9559f3ba2d1ca01f84147d8ffc5b8445c224f98b9591801d

🚨 There is a temporary issue with Rekor, which means the attestation cannot be retrieved from Rekor right now. The attestation is available in the OCI registry 🚨

Obtain the attestation:

cosign download attestation | jq -r .payload | base64 -D | jq .

Upgrade Notices



A PipelineTask with a Matrix is fanned out into parallel TaskRuns which are executed in parallel.

The TaskRunImagePullFailed logic now covers sidecars, and the error message includes the step name and the image

The default maximum count of TaskRuns or Runs from a given Matrix is 256. Users can configure this value for their installations.

Support indexing array results substitution as an alpha feature.

A task can specify a type to produce array result, such as:

results: - name: array-results type: array description: The array results

And the task script can populate result in an array form with:

echo -n "["hello","world"]" | tee $(results.array-results.path)

and we can refer to the array results elements via index in param like: params: - name: foo value: "$(tasks.task1.results.array-results[1])"

This feature is part of the TEP-0076.

Backwards incompatible changes

In current release:

Removes deprecated PipelineRun.Spec.ServiceAccountNames field; use PipelineRun.Spec.TaskRunSpecs instead.

Removes deprecated TaskRun.Status.ResourceResults.ResourceRef field; use TaskRun.Status.ResourceResults.ResourceName instead.

action required: Deprecated conditions in pipelines removed. Existing pipelines using conditions will need to be updated.


Only use step containers for limitrange default request calculations

Fixed a bug where invalid expressions were not invalidated in Pipeline Results.

Fixed a bug where static strings where not invalidated in Pipeline Results.

Fixes controller with the high value of ThreadsPerController to report the correct status of PipelineRun, which contains Finally tasks.


The nightly git-init base image is no longer build, it is deprecated in favor of

Use informer instead of API server for Pod Get/List.



Thanks to these contributors who contributed to v0.37.0!

Extra shout-out for awesome release notes:

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1、 release.notags.yaml 78.09KB

2、 release.yaml 78.16KB
