


版本发布时间: 2014-11-13 05:29:26

google/material-design-icons最新发布版本:4.0.0(2020-09-01 06:36:21)

We're excited about the enthusiastic response to our initial release of the material design icons, and happy to bring a small bug fix release to you today.

What's new in this release?



We originally licensed these icons under CC-BY-SA because we wanted to make them available to you to incorporate into your apps, but we didn't want someone to be able to package them up and resell them as an icon set. We heard your concerns about the scope of the share alike obligation. Our primary goal here is to make it easy for you to use the icons, so we've changed the license to CC-BY.

And we know it's not always feasible to put a copyright notice on every screen that features icons. So for this icon set, it's fine by us to put the attribution on your app's "about" page, or somewhere similar.

Bug fixes

We've fixed some bugs in the art of a few icons, fixed the names of a few more, and added an icon or two.

Optimized SVGs

We're now including both "design" SVGs and "production" SVGs. The production SVGs have been fully optimized for size and stripped of any extraneous paths. The design SVGs are kept more readable and include extra paths as an aid to designers dropping SVGs into mocks.

CSS sprite fixes

We've improved the CSS sprites so that they play more nicely together when more than one is used on one page.

You can find more details in our previous release notes or in the project README.


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