


版本发布时间: 2022-06-13 05:53:53

QuestPDF/QuestPDF最新发布版本:2024.3.2(2024-04-26 03:34:03)

Integrated the text-shaping algorithm. This change significantly improves the Unicode compatibility. Also, it extends support for more advanced languages (e.g. Arabic) that:

  1. Combine multiple text characters and display them as a single visual glyph.
  2. Are displayed in the right-to-left order.

Improved the exception message when SkiaSharp throws the TypeInitializationException. On some operating systems, SkiaSharp requires additional dependencies installed as nuget packages. This change should help developers determine how to choose and install them correctly.

Fixed: a rare case when the Row.AutoItem() does not correctly calculate the width of its content.

Fixed: the QuestPDF Previewer does not work with content-rich documents.

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1、 QuestPDF.Previewer.2022.6.0.nupkg 44.24MB

2、 QuestPDF.2022.6.1.nupkg 508.48KB

3、 QuestPDF.2022.6.1.snupkg 183.39KB
